Title: Stuck Author: habitualunacy Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Angst Summary: There are things that aren't meant to last forever. A/N: Wooyoung's POV, thoughts, "speech"
you my dear, are totally one of my favorite person in the whoooolleeee world!!! i love this!!!! it's heartbreaking in the beginning and when you reached the last part, BAM! i melted >.<
A hyung is what you should only be, so why can’t my heart understand that and still continues to beat rapidly whenever you’re around? this sentence reminds me of Heartbeat..ide..my fav song!
i love how Woo's monologues go so well with his actual convo with Khun.it's a miracle he didn't slip anything out..huhu
I was thinking 'omg this is so angsty and I'm gonna have my heart broken when Khun unintentionally breaks Wooyoung's heart ;_; ' and then everything turned out to be breath-takingly sweet <3 I like the way you describe Wooyoung's feelings and thoughts and emotions cuz it's like I can connect to him to feel what he feels and know how he would react. It's so real.
hehe. I never thought someone would feel connected to the way wooyoung feels in this fic. I was afraid that there was too much angst. So thank you~! :)
Comments 28
i love this!!!!
it's heartbreaking in the beginning and when you reached the last part, BAM! i melted >.<
A hyung is what you should only be, so why can’t my heart understand that and still continues to beat rapidly whenever you’re around?
this sentence reminds me of Heartbeat..ide..my fav song!
i love how Woo's monologues go so well with his actual convo with Khun.it's a miracle he didn't slip anything out..huhu
I like the way you describe Wooyoung's feelings and thoughts and emotions cuz it's like I can connect to him to feel what he feels and know how he would react. It's so real.
Thank you for the fic <3333333
Hello, i'm your fans, and i love you.
this was so beautiful and and so much more, i-i can't.
I think i'm more comfortable with khunyoung now hehe. and it's a lot!
this is good...
keep writing
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