(no subject)

Jan 09, 2006 20:14

gentle fisted: *knocks at Hachi's door, dressed only in a pair of Gai's pants* ... >] Haaaaachi~ *holding a wal-mart bag of My Little Ponies*

strawberry hachi: Hachi is scared out of her mind and packs faster, shoving clothes in her suitcase and deciding to just jump out the window. >_>;

gentle fisted: *____* Best frieeeeend. *knocks more*

strawberry hachi: Hachi is so totally creeped out and tries to keep quiet, still shoving things into her suitcase. She couldn't go on a trip without nice clothes T__T

gentle fisted: *throws open the door* Hoooooney~ I'm HOOOOOOOME. *___*

strawberry hachi: Hachi screams loudly and drops the half packed-suitcase. "XO"

gentle fisted: *pulls out the gun from his wal-mart bag* >D Good to see you, too.

strawberry hachi: Hachi has no idea what happened to him. "OMG NEJI...PUT THAT DOWN...PLEASE...T___T"

gentle fisted: >D Did you enjoy your pizza?
gentle fisted: Make a good last meal? *points the gun at Hachi*

strawberry hachi: Hachi looks to the window and is suddenly snowed in like they were in that movie. Fuuuck. "I...um....I always enjoy pizza? OMG NEJI PLEASE DON'T T___T WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?" she asks, cowering with her hands over her head.

gentle fisted: I always thought you were incredibly dense. *_<

gentle fisted: *takes one of his ponies out of the bag and strokes its hair* *twitches*

strawberry hachi: "Hachi isn't here, Mrs. Torrance T___T"

gentle fisted: I warned you~

strawberry hachi: "About what? ;____;"

gentle fisted: *takes a couple steps forward* >D I'm going to enjoy this.

thedynamicentry: Gai runs down the halls with black ashes across his face like face paint, in combat boots and army pants, and kicks the already open door dynamically, and it just hits the wall and bounces back and closes on him. "......."

strawberry hachi: Hachi inches backwards from Neji, and then sees Gai's less-than-dynamic entry "*_*"

gentle fisted: *pulls the trigger in surprise*

strawberry hachi: *dies*

gentle fisted: *misses, of course*

strawberry hachi: *okay not reallY*

gentle fisted: *just barely*
gentle fisted: *XD*

thedynamicentry: "...>_> " ...He opened the door after that and tried to play it off, and had very :O thick fireman gloves on and was carrying a heated THIS.
thedynamicentry: And yes, that's a pitchfork.
thedynamicentry: It's all that survived from Gai's burning tool shed.
thedynamicentry: And it's now very hot and burning.

gentle fisted: ...

thedynamicentry: =_= *glares at Neji*

gentle fisted: YOU.

thedynamicentry: *smirks* Hi. T_T Step away from the girl.

gentle fisted: e_o I was saving you for last.

strawberry hachi: *cowers* ;__;

thedynamicentry: Oh well.
thedynamicentry: >\
thedynamicentry: *covered in ash ahur*

gentle fisted: Why are you here?

thedynamicentry: *smacks the gun out of his hands with the pitchfork* U_U

strawberry hachi: GAI-SAMA WHAT HAPPENED TO NEJI????? T___T

gentle fisted: ...

thedynamicentry: =_= *points it at Neji's nether regions*

gentle fisted: *takes a step back*

thedynamicentry: I'm here to return the favor +_+

gentle fisted: *holds the ponies behind him to protect them*

thedynamicentry: of what you have just done to my beautiful home. *_*
thedynamicentry: Hachi-sama, run!!! *knows she'll stay since she thinks this stuff is hot*

strawberry hachi: *tries to run and trips on purpose* >_o
strawberry hachi: Oops.

thedynamicentry: *walks toward Neji, pitchfork out* >D

gentle fisted: You should have seen it burn.

thedynamicentry: Oh, I'll see something else burn.

gentle fisted: BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE.

thedynamicentry: OH REALLY? SAY THAT AGAIN.
thedynamicentry: THOSE ARE MY PANTS, YOU BITCH.

gentle fisted: Shhh, quiet. o_< It'll be fine. *talking to the ponies*

thedynamicentry: *swipes him across the chest with the pitchfork* >_O
thedynamicentry: YOUR PONIES WILL GO FIRST.

gentle fisted: *winces* NEVER.

thedynamicentry: *reaches in his pants and pulls out some matches* OH YES.

gentle fisted: NO.


gentle fisted: *clings to the ponies* YOU'LL HAVE TO KILL ME FIRST.

thedynamicentry: >D OKAY *_*

strawberry hachi: *just lays on the floor like a helpless damsel* <3__<3

thedynamicentry: *charges him and pushes him against the wall* >[
thedynamicentry: *grabs Pyrouette by the hair*

gentle fisted: ... STOP.

thedynamicentry: SO? IT'S BECAUSE I NEVER LOVED YOU.

gentle fisted: DON'T.

thedynamicentry: OR THIS UGLY PONY.
thedynamicentry: I HATED IT ALWAYS.

gentle fisted: SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING.
gentle fisted: IT WAS ALL ME.
gentle fisted: SPARE HER.

thedynamicentry: SHE'S GOING FIRST.

gentle fisted: NO.

thedynamicentry: RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES.
thedynamicentry: +_+
thedynamicentry: -.- Yes.

gentle fisted: *punches Gai across the face*

thedynamicentry: !!!
thedynamicentry: *swipes him across the neck with the pitchfork*
thedynamicentry: *yanks the pony from his grasp by the hair* >D

gentle fisted: ...! x_<

strawberry hachi: *watches enraptured* <3__<3

thedynamicentry: *jumps back and holds the pitchfork out*
thedynamicentry: Don't come any closer >D

strawberry hachi: *would feel bad for Neji and the pony by yeahhekindtriedtokillher*

gentle fisted: T_T ... I'm sorry. I couldn't... please. I'm sorry... *still talking to the pony*

thedynamicentry: *puts the pony to his own cheek* @_< She smells so nice.
thedynamicentry: So ...innocent.
thedynamicentry: >_O
thedynamicentry: >D
thedynamicentry: *nuzzles the pony and smells her hair*

gentle fisted: >O

thedynamicentry: >D

gentle fisted: *charges at Gai*

thedynamicentry: *neji just charged into a pitchfork*

gentle fisted: YOU BASTA- ... x_x

thedynamicentry: ................
thedynamicentry: O_O!!!
thedynamicentry: *pulls the pitchfork out of him*

gentle fisted: *collapses*

thedynamicentry: .................

strawberry hachi: o_o;;;;;;;;
strawberry hachi: *wonders if they should run now* >_>;

thedynamicentry: *thinks he would be the worst boyfriend on earth if he didn't care so thinks thats the thing to do*
thedynamicentry: >_>

strawberry hachi: >_>;;;

thedynamicentry: Um...

strawberry hachi: Is he...?

thedynamicentry: I'm still killing the pony.

gentle fisted: ...

thedynamicentry: *says it to see if Neji is dead or not*

gentle fisted: *doesn't feel like moving*

thedynamicentry: ........*walks over to Neji* ..T_T
thedynamicentry: *turns him over with the pitchfork*

strawberry hachi: *wonders if she'll get tossed in jail for accessory to murder* T__T

thedynamicentry: *kneels down beside him and places Pyrouette by him*
thedynamicentry: *she cries a magical tear and it falls on him and he's healed but not really*

gentle fisted: ... *gurgles on blood*

thedynamicentry: ...........
thedynamicentry: Neji?

thedynamicentry: ........................................................o_o

strawberry hachi: ....................

thedynamicentry: *thinks Neji looks really hot but now is not the time*

strawberry hachi: O_O;;;;; He's....alive?

thedynamicentry: .......
thedynamicentry: Neji....I would feel bad but..
thedynamicentry: you ran into a pitchfork.

gentle fisted: *feels stupid*

strawberry hachi: lol.
strawberry hachi: >_>;

thedynamicentry: ......*pets his hair* T_T
thedynamicentry: Idiot. ~_~;

gentle fisted: *closes his eyes* ...

strawberry hachi: .....

thedynamicentry: ...
thedynamicentry: Neji!?
thedynamicentry: Don't die THATS SUCH A STUPID DEATH.

strawberry hachi: *rushes over* ;___;
strawberry hachi: HE'S DEAD????

thedynamicentry: NO

strawberry hachi: *cries loudly*

thedynamicentry: HE CANT BE

strawberry hachi: Oh.
strawberry hachi: *stops*

thedynamicentry: *stabs himself with the pitchfork*

strawberry hachi: O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

thedynamicentry: I must die with him. >_O .........................*isnt dying*

strawberry hachi: *pulls it back out* ;__;

thedynamicentry: ............

strawberry hachi: Then I, too....

thedynamicentry: Neji. NO HACHI
thedynamicentry: YOU'RE PREGNANT >_>

strawberry hachi: Not for much longer....

gentle fisted: <=*D
gentle fisted: *ruins the effect by throwing up blood*

thedynamicentry: Neji!!! ;__;

strawberry hachi: ...........
strawberry hachi: ..............

thedynamicentry: *starts licking up the blood and throw up and stuff*
thedynamicentry: Ew ;_;

strawberry hachi: *takes the chance to pick up his gun from the floor* >_>;
strawberry hachi: *puts it in her cleavage*
strawberry hachi: *backs away slowly*
strawberry hachi: >_>;

thedynamicentry: *hugs him* Nooo ;_;
thedynamicentry: Neji, dooon't. ;__;

strawberry hachi: ......he tried to kill me =_=;

thedynamicentry: *bleeding like whoah it's such a blood orgy*

gentle fisted: ... You. Wanted to get rid of me.

thedynamicentry: NOT LIKE THIS!!! ;__;

gentle fisted: Happy?

gentle fisted: I am.

thedynamicentry: NO!!
thedynamicentry: WHY!?!?
thedynamicentry: WHY WOULD YOU BE HAPPY SHUT UPT =_=
thedynamicentry: ;__;
thedynamicentry: I hate you.
thedynamicentry: Idiot.

gentle fisted: ...
gentle fisted: I know.

thedynamicentry: NO.

strawberry hachi: *grabs her half-packed suitcase and sneaks out of the door before they make love :O*

thedynamicentry: ;_;

gentle fisted: Tell... Ah. Hinata. ... Something. *wanted to be dramatic* That... She can... uh. Take my pony collection.

thedynamicentry: I thought you wanted to be buried with it?

thedynamicentry: And I can't tell her anything since I'm killing myself too ;_;

gentle fisted: They deserve better.

thedynamicentry: WHAT?
thedynamicentry: ;__;
thedynamicentry: Neji....*sniffle*
thedynamicentry: You ask me if I love you~ and I choke on my reply~
thedynamicentry: I'd rather hurt you honestly~ than mislead you with a lie u_u

gentle fisted: ...?

thedynamicentry: And who am I to judge you?
thedynamicentry: For what you say and do?
thedynamicentry: I'm only just beginning..to see the real you...
thedynamicentry: and sometimes when we touch...
thedynamicentry: the honesty's too much..
thedynamicentry: and I have to close my eyes..
thedynamicentry: and hide u_u

gentle fisted: ... Gai.

thedynamicentry: I wanna hold you 'till I die ;_; ti-
thedynamicentry: what?

gentle fisted: It hurts...

thedynamicentry: ....;_; what does?
thedynamicentry: Your guts?

gentle fisted: Nn... *can't really nod*

thedynamicentry: *is wondering when Hachi is coming back with that ambulance*

gentle fisted: ... Can you?

strawberry hachi: *is in Mexico by now*

thedynamicentry: *nod*

gentle fisted: I don't want to die... because of that...

thedynamicentry: Because of what?

gentle fisted: How lame.

thedynamicentry: The pitchfork?
thedynamicentry: I know.
thedynamicentry: ;_;

gentle fisted: Yes.

thedynamicentry: *scoops him up bride-style and picks up pyroette, too*
thedynamicentry: *gives pyroette to Neji* u_u
thedynamicentry: *is stabbed too but Gai's muscles like ate the pitchfork*

gentle fisted: *holds the pony tightly*

thedynamicentry: *takes him to the hospital but does it in PM T_T and all*

gentle fisted: u_x *left a big blood stain all over Hachi's carpet*

strawberry hachi: *comes back*
strawberry hachi: *from Mexico*

thedynamicentry: *already left with neji*

strawberry hachi: *thinks that if she just leaves the dead bodies she'll get in more trouble*
strawberry hachi: *thinks they're zombies*
strawberry hachi: *and got up and walked away*
strawberry hachi: *kills herself*
strawberry hachi: *just kidding*
strawberry hachi: *so freaked out, though*
strawberry hachi: *finishes packing and runs out* T___T
strawberry hachi: *wonders if she'll have to change her name*
strawberry hachi: *and get a new face*
strawberry hachi: *and join the mafia*
strawberry hachi: *or something*
strawberry hachi: *drives away* >_>;
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