I'm sad I live in a country where people can complain about whatever the hell they want when there is really nothing too terribly wrong. That they can be miserable with so much. That the mass media is promoting a lifestyle concerned solely with the thought of taking care of only yourself. That a vapid, self-centered, self-consumed attitude is had by many teenagers around the country, just because that is the only lifestyle direction they are given because of the control had on their lives by "mainstream culture."
I'm glad to live in a country founded on the principles of freedom, honor, integrity, and innate good of man. I'm glad that our government is the longest running democratically federal (I'm tired, forgive me if that's too contradictory) in the history of the entire world. I'm glad that at the top of the Washington Memorial in DC has the phrase "Laus Deo" at the highest point possible. I'm glad that the ideals and goals of this country have been the source of so much pride in our bicentennial existance that millions of men throughout the history of this country have fought to give the freedom to those in this country, being so humble and selfless as to protect those who cry out against them. I'm glad that a Frenchman, of all people, was quoted in the 1800s by saying that, "America is great, because the churches are great." I'm glad to be able to group myself in the same nationality of great men, brave men; who at the sight of adversity did not back down, but conquered their fear and helped reinforce what is the greatest experiment in the pursuit of allowing a man or woman to be able to reasonably pursue what his or her heart desires, with little (hopefully) interference from the powers that be in government. I'm glad to live in a land that will find a way when there is a will to do whatever the task may be. I'm proud to be an American, I'm proud to admit, that despite our current shortcomings (and there will always be some perversive problem with society) I am confident that as Americans we will find a way, God willing, to make it through the tough times and maintain our status as a singularly unique nation with a querky way of doing things that just so happens to keep us functioning with somewhat efficiency and purpose for the tenets of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
God Bless America.
Happy 4th.