My civic duty.

Sep 06, 2006 08:48

If you love Nip/Tuck and you know it, let me hear you say, HELL YEAH!


Oh, this season is going to be on fire. (Feel free to squee and holler and say WTF in comments)

In other news, I am working on the Entourage story. Fear me! And -- and -- thefourthvine is very patiently urging everybody to get out there and pimp some vids, so today, I am pimping not one but TWO vids (see me kissing ass).

The first video was brought to my attention by her holiness thefourthvine and it's an SGA vid called Atlantis! by sherrold and wickedwords. Now being a woman without a country fandom I didn't know about this vid's existence, and truthfully, I feel cheated, because hello? OHHHHHHH-KLAHOMA where the wind comes sweeping down the plain...

Yeah, just uh, watch it. Don't drink anything while doing so.

And vid number two was literally just linked to by amberlynne along with a must see!must see! must see! posting -- and I would've stayed away because it has two things I have my hateration on for: Justin Timbertrick and Gryffindors! But not just any Gryffindors: Harry/Hermione and Harry/Ron. Yeah, I know. My inner Slytherin recoils in horror too -- except this is about Hermione cheating on Harry with Ron, and dude, it's to the Britney bashing song, err, 'Cry Me a River.'

It's good... with a capital 'G'.

Watch it, people.

And you notice I didn't even say anything about Suri Cruise? That child is entirely too pretty to be the offspring of TomKat. For reals.

recs: vids

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