[King has discovered video transmissions! So you get a big close up of his face, before the camera pulls back a bit.
He makes some funny faces at the camera, before he laughs, sticks his tongue out, and then turns the thing off.
The post switches to audio after that.]
Oh boy, I love webcams! Or communicator-cams, as they may be. Anyway, good job,
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Comments 58
[Her interest is piqued however. King found something for her?]
I am...I'm getting fairly good with my Italian I think? What did you find?
[His tone gets a little high and teasing, but it's in good teasing.].
And yes, of course I am. I can show everyone my Hello Kitty tattoo now.
[Still...Italian lyrics and sheet music? This sounded absolutely perfect to Bryn. King earned several bonus points for not only remembering she was working on learning Italian but recognizing she'd have a double-interest in the opera music.]
Orfeo ed Euridice...story of Orpheus and Eurydice likely. I'm supposed to meet Gunn for tea but...can I find you after to get it?
[He's joking, though. He knows Bryn plays piano quite well, and before Fred disappeared they'd talk in Italian. So an italian opera? Probably a safe choice, and he was right, as it turns out. He chuckles.]
Sure. I'm already on your deck. When you get done just holler and I'll be there.
[It's the most amusing thing EVER]
It's fun, isn't it? No more mistaken identity if you're careful, either.
[He grins.]
It's nice, at least. The pranking options are going to be interesting.
Heard you went to the JennJenn lock up party. It go okay?
... Yeah. Just played giant robot doorstop. Went fine.
And at least the boat settled down.
What's a web-cam?
You ever seen a camcorder? Kinda like that, but it broadcasts the video to the world at large instead of recording.
No. Is it like them big cameras they used t'make movies with?
It is, except smaller. That's what this thing is like, anyway. Having a mini movie camera, except it only displays to other people.. and for thirty seconds.
Shit connection, is what.
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