Currently Enjoying: Comics.

Dec 02, 2008 09:31

Dear Internet,

I went to Dragonmeet, a gaming convention in London.  It was ace.  I made friends and was recommended a London gaming group.  I wrote more about this, but then the Internet ate it.  In summation:  I gamed.

A friend is coming to visit on the weekend.  Please be nice to my friend.

Music meme.  Set music to random and write a poem with the first 20 first lines.  21st first line is the title.

Who let you get on my train?

Come sit at the table
I bought some rockstar ashes
If I was young I’d flee this town
See the ruins of the old world below

Coming like a moon over the hill
We were shooting at a mound of dirt
You can blind me with your foxy lips
These problems I’m having all

I love you Jesus Christ
I take a breath
I woke up with the power out
I’m feeling rough, I’m feeling raw, I’m in the prime of my life

I can grasp infinity
Reindeer reindeer reindeer
Get away from me
You said you hate the sound

Into the desert we must go
I have existed from the morning of the world
I don’t know I cannot see
Oh please drop it now I’ve learned my lesson

In case you're wondering:  I'm not a massive enough Christian to have Christian music on my computer:  It's from an atheist folk song.

Dark Heresy was fun.

What websites are good for NERF?  Also, what webcomics are good?  A lot of them seem to be a big heap o' generic.

In other news:  Pumpkins are biodegradable, right?  So I can leave my pumpkin outside my house to rot for over a month, surely.   Who cares if passers-by have to cross the road to escape the smell?  More room for the flies.

Also, I have excema.  WTF?  Perhaps is sympathy-excema for Mary and Grant.

I'm considering training in something useful and employable after uni.  Perhaps Clerking.  I get an enormous sense of satisfaction from alphabetising and organizing things, and am certain I can make a career out of that urge.

That music meme reminded me of music I haven't listened to in weeks.  And my laptop works now.  And I have the day off.  And amma eat a croissant.  And tea.  Not coffee.

Good day

gaming, meme, webcomic, medical, job, good day, food

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