Title: Precious Things: Legacy Setting: Star Trek 2009 Note: Many thanks to rexlapinii for catching a pretty big oops in there & elanya for the awesome beta-ing! Summary: Every message finds it's way home, somehow.
I'm not sure which book it was that had Amanda working on some hybrid roses that would survive in Vulcan's heat (maybe The Vulcan Academy Murders?) but the concept fascinated me, in part because it established Amanda as one hell of a botanist - even if an amateur - to pull that off.
And I always liked that. Amanda = teacher & gifted botanist. Also? Damned impressive, intellectually speaking. That's shiny, really.
It can be him, or Sarek (my original intent). As I said in another comment - I'm leaving it open to reader preference/interpretation, because I honestly think Amanda easily could have meant it for either or both, really. :)
You have so many amazing little touches in this series of stories, please don't stop writing them. Is that Sarek, visiting? What a touching moment that would be for him (or Spock Prime, either one).
I meant for it to be Sarek originally, but as I wrote the story I deliberately left it vague enough that readers can interpret it as being him or Spock!Prime, as they prefer. Both would have a body language which would be more open to a human (one as an ambassador, the other just from living among them so long). It works well for both and I can see Amanda meaning for the rose to be for both of them quite easily. =)
Comments 76
And I always liked that. Amanda = teacher & gifted botanist. Also? Damned impressive, intellectually speaking. That's shiny, really.
This was so beautiful.
You have so many amazing little touches in this series of stories, please don't stop writing them. Is that Sarek, visiting? What a touching moment that would be for him (or Spock Prime, either one).
Spock, older Spocking, seeing his mother's roses again.... *cries harder*
That the older Vulcan could just as easily be Sarek just made me lose it. *sniffs*
Sometimes, it's nice to give stuff leeway and let people take it where they will. It worked very nicely with this story!
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