Title: Aimless Marathon
Pairing: Donghae/Sungmin
Genre: AU!, Angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 135
Summary: Once a runner, always a runner.
A/N: For the prompt "Run".
He was running when he first met Donghae. Crashed quite violently into him in fact.
That was how it all started.
After that, it was Donghae that did the chasing. Always running after him. With him. Always reminding him to slow down and smell the roses. Because he had no reasons to run now.
For the first time after trillions of mind-numbing dull heartbeats , he had found solace. Sanctuary in the warm smiles and rainbows that he promised.
But he felt shame. Shamed because he couldn't love him back with the same vigour. Same desperation and devotion. He was a broken mannequin. One that was damaged beyond repair. No matter what he said, Sungmin knew that there was no answer. No way to fix him.
So he did what he did best.
He ran.