Somehow I'll make a man out of you ~

Oct 18, 2008 23:34

As if I haven't been posting enough random shite on my lj recently, guess what I bring??!

A very early christmas present?

Okay first thing’s first. A couple of months(?) ago I posted THIS macro based on ‘I can’t believe it’s not butter’. If you look down the comments where I posted it at my lj (HERE) you’ll see that I, quoting myself, had a brainwave of macros that could be made with that phrase. Well I finally scraped together enough to post them as a batch, apparently finding pictures for this sort of thing isn’t easy when you’ve got 0.1 second of free time every day. ¬_¬ Anyway, here they are!

Sorry Wonder Girls, you win really but… I’m short, I can’t accept photoshopped height. ¬_¬

But then, I remembered another picture I had…

Whichever works best for you. (o^-')b

First thoughts when I stumbled on that pic, I kid you not.

Fail oder nicht fail? Either way I also have some normal macros that have been building up:

I have an unexplainable love for this picture.
Well as unexplainable as a love for Hankyung and JaeJoong in the same picture can be…

Zhouchul = ♥ ^o-o^

It’s a bit out of date now right? DX


Those two kind of contradict each other don’t they? :D


The pictures for those 5 macros were brought to you by sjloveaday, possibly the best community on LJ. My picture folder agrees.

See the end of THIS POST for the background to that macro. I really am getting a series aren’t I?

Yeah I-still-DEK

… I. sorry.

I just stumbled across the story and one thing led to another and… that was one of the results. D:

m-to-the-a-to-the-cro, artist: super junior, artist: wonder girls, artist: shinee, artist: dbsk/tvxq/thsk, artist: 2am/2pm/one day

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