[OOC: DV App]

Jan 24, 2011 20:58

Name: Rian
Contact: rianrps[at]gmail[dot]com/KindaLikeUtopia (AIM)/rianisocd (Plurk)
Age: 21
Current characters: Yuri Lowell (ToV)

Name: Ruby
Fandom: Pokemon Special
History link: Here. Spoilers abound, naturally.
Age: 18 (Aged up from 14)
Canon point: A year after the events of the Emerald arc - he's secure as both a Trainer *and* Coordinator, has a strong friendship with Sapphire, and is generally less of an obnoxious, selfish brat.

Ruby is your not-so-average teenage boy - he loves fashion, sewing, and all things beautiful. Most of his clothing is hand-made, usually by him, and not a day goes by that he doesn't tend to his or his Pokemon's outward appearance. This is because, as Ruby will gladly tell you, he wants to be the best Coordinator possible, and all of his Pokemon are rigorously trained for the five contests - Beauty, Cool, Tough, Smart, and Cute. He's quite successful, too - he's won all 25 Contests in the Hoenn area, and trains under his Master Wallace, who is both the best Coordinator and Pokemon Champion for the Hoenn region.

Much to the ire of his father, the Gym Leader Norman, Ruby abhors Pokemon battles. He absolutely refuses to fight, on the grounds that it's brutish and gets his Pokemon's fur dirty. Faced with a choice between a battle and fleeing, even if it's for self-defense, Ruby will almost always run away.

That last bit is, for the most part, an elaborate lie. For the first part of his life, Ruby wanted nothing more than to learn about Pokemon battles from his father, and he was extraordinarily good. When he was 5, however, an enraged Salamance attacked Ruby and his young playmate (a girl by the name of Sapphire, though he doesn't remember that). Ruby used what his father had taught him and his own talents to not only protect his friend, but also to chase away the Salamance. He was injured in the battle - and he still carries a nasty set of scars on his forehead - and when he turned to make sure Sapphire was ok, she screamed in terror at his bloody visage and fled. Hurt by her rejection, Ruby swore off Pokemon battles forever, convinced that it was his own brutishness that had chased her away.

Nowadays, Ruby does his best to ignore his battling abilities, though events when he was 13 helped him start to accept the rougher part of his personality, and he's even learned to enjoy a friendly fight now and again. His fighting instincts are perhaps some of the best in the Hoenn region, better then even his father's, though Ruby's lack of dedication to the sport means they remain instinct only. It is only when angry that Ruby finds it most difficult to ignore his instincts - he becomes focused and outright aggressive, and he will never stand down.

For the most part though, Ruby is pleasant and annoying by turns. Like any proper fashionista-in-training, Ruby is vain, a little arrogant, a little shallow, and gregarious. He swings easily from mood to mood, be it happy or annoyed or cocky, but is generally good-tempered. It takes a lot to get Ruby truly angry - this is mostly because it makes his fighting side come out, and he'd really rather avoid that. He's still fairly emotionally immature, and is learning the differences between light-hearted teasing and passive-aggressive nitpicking, and confidence and arrogance. Ruby is as picky as he is perceptive, and as egotistical as he is giving - he will not only give you the clothes off his back, but he'll also tailor them to your size and leave a number so you can thank him later. He loves people, and is an expert at making himself appealing to an audience, no matter what size. Though bratty, Ruby is charismatic enough that people still tend to like him, and his honest love for his Pokemon and his chosen career helps others ignore his more annoying traits.

Thanks to a complicated series of events when he was young, Ruby's father partially abandoned him when he needed him most, and Ruby still bears a lot of resentment towards him for it. The end of the Ruby/Sapphire arc helped to heal their damaged relationship, but Ruby still has issues with paternal authority figures and indeed any authority figure that he doesn't outright chose for himself. This, combined with Ruby's stubbornness and tendency to completely ignore even the most well-intentioned orders, means that he will most likely just run away from his problems. Even more, he's been known to make them considerably worse in the process. Events in the Ruby/Sapphire arc showed that he could metaphorically man up and confront things (after a good boot to the head), but those were extremely extenuating circumstances, and he's just as likely to go into denial about his responsibilities or confessions as he is to own up to them.

Though he tries to hide it beneath a facade of bubbly cheer (and below that, raw anger), Ruby is very emotionally vulnerable. More than once, his conflicting personalities, denial tendencies, and problems dealing with stress have combined to cause Ruby to snap. He will generally lash out at whomever is nearby, with little regard to if they deserve it or not. He always regrets his actions, but can't really change the fact that they happened, and yes - Ruby has lost friends this way. The vulnerability comes in after the anger has cooled, and Ruby finds himself unable to deal with the emotional repercussions of his actions. He tends to shut down, sometimes completely, because of this.

His time in Pleasantville has only exacerbated the worst parts of Ruby's personality. Surrounded by an army of pleasantly pampering Stepford Wives, Ruby's almost unavoidably become more arrogant and cocky. The stagnation of normal emotional growth means that he's become more volatile, and a fair chunk of the progress he made during the end of the Ruby/Sapphire arc has completely reset itself. Though Pleasantville hasn't changed his core personality - the part where he's a happy, friendly, confident young man who loves people - it has changed how he's learned to go about expressing it. He tends to be pushier and more immature, and is just as likely to offer to make you a new outfit as he is to sneer at your poor fashion sense.

As a Trainer/Coordinator, Ruby has a team of well-trained (and exceptionally gorgeous!) Pokemon. When he earns them back from Loki, his team members will be as follows:

Zuzu (Swampert - Water/Ground): Surf, Earthquake, Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon. Ability: Torrent
Coco (Delcatty - Normal): Iron Tail, Double-Edge, Attract, Safeguard. Ability: Cute Charm
Nana (Mightyena - Dark): Hyper Beam, Take Down, Howl, Roar. Ability: Intimidate
Popo (Castform - Weather-dependent): Weather Ball, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail. Ability: Forecast
Mimi (Milotic - Water): Blizzard, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Light Screen. Ability: Marvel Scale
Ruru (Kirlia - Psychic): Confusion, Teleport, Hypnosis, Psychic. Ability: Synchronize

Additionally, he is in possession of a Pokedex. It's mostly useless in Pokemon-less Vegas, but is still very important to him.

While Ruby is a highly capable Trainer, he dislikes battling (unless it is for self-defense, protection of others, or a publicity stunt), and will generally only use his Pokemon's combat abilities as a last resort.

Ruby inherited very keen battle and observational instincts from his father and while he does his best to ignore them, they are present and always active. He also has a strangely developed sense of empathy that allows him to tell a great deal about a Pokemon's (and presumably persons') mood and likes/dislikes just by looking at them. Otherwise, Ruby is a perfectly normal 18-year-old boy.

ooc, app, game: dv

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