So after I did Keoni's gift I realized there were a lot and I do mean A LOT of October babies! I got to work creating for several people and then I realized why not just make it for everyone. I've missed a lot of birthdays and this is my way of making up for it.
Okay, so most of you may hate me after this but that is fine. Are you ready for an EPIC post? Yes, well good. Here we go!
We'll start with Dragon Valley! Yes, I know I already did some of these but this are remakes. They the same guide as the others so if you have those REMOVE THEM before adding these because they are named differently!
The Dragon and it's add on do actually sit on the roof! Yay for playing with BHAV's!
I love these ruins! The column is just extra!
Old Stuff:
I added footprints to the Pavillion and fixed other various things that were wrong with this set.
Also, everything should have extra color options if it was included with the original objects from Dragon Valley.
DOWNLOAD DV Water Pump from World Adventures
3 color options and a nice effect!
DOWNLOAD Water Pump Table only, Sorry!
DOWNLOAD Bubble Bar Supernatural Fairy Set
The top part of the Bed is slaved to the Bedding!
DOWNLOAD Fairy Set University Life
The Radio Station works as a Radio and the Skeleton works as a mirror.
DOWNLOAD Island Paradise
Wedding Arch doesn't work :(
A wonderful awning for, well anything!
Yes, I've done the bell before as a painting. This was done as a sculpture.
DOWNLOAD Base Game Stuff
The clock doesn't work, unfortunately.
DOWNLOAD Movies Stuff Pack
Curtains have working diagonals!
The hand is fixed now. I noticed it after I took the picture! The console works as a desk.
DOWNLOAD MORE Midnight Hollow
Curtains have diagonals and are slaved to the left curtain.
DOWNLOAD TS3 Cyclonesue Stuff
Unfortunately the dining chairs from this set had issues so I had to scrap those but pretty stuff for a medieval game so yay!
All have diagonals and there are three masters! The rest are slaves. I still hate doing wall masks but these were a nice learning experience.
All credit goes to Cyclonesue at TSR!
All credit goes to liliebou at TSR!
DOWNLOAD sim-man123
All credit goes to sim-man123 at TSR!
DOWNLOAD And now..... a set I've been working on for over three months!
Just look at that lovely Halla!
This comes with several things to make your own Chantry! The arch is deco but sims can walk through it! Thank you to rugratOne for their great tutorial!
The desk is actually a table and you'll notice I moved parts of it around to fit scrolls and stuff on.
DOWNLOAD Darkspawn
Totems, need I say more?
Paragons, Fountain and some gems!
There are slots for the bowls and one for the tree!
DOWNLOAD Ferelden & Tevinter
Statues because well.. I LOVE statues!
The pool of water needs BV! Also the rowboat can be placed on water! Yay, more BHAV learning!
Sadly the mirror is not a mirror because mirrors hate me! The fade portal also has a nice tree bark and moss recolor.
DOWNLOAD WARNING: Some of the DA:O stuff is high poly. I tried to put most of it on 4-tile objects but some things just didn't work or looked weird. I'm just letting you know.
Many thanks to HugeLunatic, rugratOne, SunniSims and all of Sims2Chat!
HugeLunatic and rugratOne for their tutorials! SunniSims for some base meshes I used as a guide to get things to work right!
Sims2Chat for listening to be moan and gripe about these meshes. You guys are awesome.
Also, I won't be doing much but playing for the month of November. Simtown talked me in to well, ya know, playing the game instead of creating for it. I'll more than likely play around in a mini-uberhood. Who knows!
As always enjoy and have fun!