A few days ago Penguingirl03 asked me to convert the gems from TS3. So I decided to go have a look. I found them but they were all grouped together in an odd jumble of a hot mess. It took me a day to separate and another day to figure out that no matter what I did the textures were going to suck. So while this isn't perfect, it's what I decided to do. I couldn't find the pedestals for the gems however. Those must be in the unlabeled models of s3pe and after going through those for gnomes I promised myself, never again.
The relics come in 1 to 12 recolors. The vases have the most in the relics. The gem rock, stones and metal bars all come in 15 colors. I did add a slot to the metal bars but I think they only stack 2 high. Sorry, I tried.
Download If anyone would like to retexture the gems, be my guest. I tried everything and after failing decided to go this route.
Some of the color options.
As always enjoy and have fun.