Hawkeye and No Way Home

Jan 03, 2022 10:00

I keep meaning to post about Hawkeye and Spider-Man: No Way Home but then keep putting it off and getting distracted by other things. But, today is the last day of my holiday vacation, so it's now or never!

Hawkeye --

I don't have a ton to say about Hawkeye other than I loved it all. It was like a warm hug for 6 episodes. I think others are maybe not keen on Renner or Clint Barton much (in the MCU) but I have adored Clint in every appearance in the MCU, including AoU. I LOVE Laura, I love their marriage, I love their kids. I love everything about him!

~ I knew Kate Bishop from fic and from general fannish osmosis. It was fun to get to know her, MCU style.

~ Clint Barton is the type to collect strays. :D <3

~ Funny story: I worked with Vera Farmiga ages ago when I did summer stock in Vermont before she was famous and we were both still in college, and also my best friend and her went to school together, and we both have Vera stories. I wish I could describe what she's like.... Anyway, whenever she pops up in a tv show or movie, my eyes narrow and I have this voice in my head that goes, "Ah. VERaaaa..." Sort of like Seinfeld's "NEWwwmann...." I don't know, it makes me laugh every time. A private joke to myself. Don't get me wrong! I enjoy her performances. She was good as not-quite-evil-mom.

~ I loved that we had Kingpin show up here, and at the same time we had Matt Murdock show up in No Way Home. Really, Feige's got his timing down right. Also, what is Kingpin anyway? Is it just his bulk that makes him invincible?

~ Loved the LARPing cops. :D

~ Intrigued by Echo. Loved the actress! It'll be nice if she can leave her criminal past behind. I know she's getting her own show.

~ I wish we had a little pop up window appear for every new major character that tells me if they were snapped or not in the blip. I would like to know!

~ Which brings me to Yelena. The meat of the series was "Clint --> Kate --> Yelena --> Clint" and how these three characters related to each other. All the stuff about Kate's mom and step dad and the tracksuit guys and kingpin was all very amusing noise in the background, but the true story was Clint and Yelena, both struggling with their grief and loss, and both having Kate there as a foil. For Clint, Kate takes up that space that was left vacant after Natasha -- a friend, perhaps a best friend, perhaps a partner. For Yelana, Kate is a new sister. The best part is that Kate is just who she is, not at all like Natasha and not at all trying to be like Natasha. And because of that, she is exactly what they both needed in that moment. I loved it. Also, Kate has enough empathy for both Clint and Yelena to see and recognize what they're going through, who they are to each other. She tries to change Yelena's mind about Clint, but she also just steps back and lets them deal with it.

~ on a bigger MCU note, does Valentina just like have a stable of hitmen and women she farms out? Does Kate's mom know Valentina? How is all that tied together??? Questions!

~ Always appreciate anything that shows us the Snap and how it affected someone. Yelena's experiences were so jarring (but cool!).

~ Have no idea what it means that Laura is Agent 19, but I love it and I'm here for it! But does, the watch DO anything? lol. It transmits a signal apparently! But what else???

Spider-Man: No Way Home --

If the introduction of the multiverse into the MCU does nothing else but give me multiple versions of the same character, then it's done its job. :D

Here are some things I loved about No Way Home, in no particular order:

~ MATT MURDOCK! Glad they wrapped up the legal troubles at the beginning so easily though it would have been fun to see Matt again. I know we've all been hoping to see Daredevil in the MCU. And this was a cool way of introducing him. Catching that brick! hee. I had not so secretly wanted Matt to be hired as Bucky's attorney, but I guess I'll take him like this. Whatever gets him into the MCU!

~ Not one, not two, but THREE Peter Parkers. And they're each so adorable how is that possible. The reveals for first AG's Peter and then TM's Peter were so fun and awesome. Whoever realized we need Ned Leed's nana in that scene should get a cookie.

~ The first movie featured Peter and Ned and their friendship. The second movie was more about Peter and MJ getting together. This third movie was really about Ned and MJ and their friendship, struggling with how much they cared about Peter and wanting to be there for him, but being necessarily left behind, in more ways than one.

~ Each time I think I'm not going to like Dr Strange, I end up liking him. I mean, a) he really wanted to help Peter, and b) he cares for him! In my search for Tony/Peter fic I stumble on a lot of Dr Strange/Tony/Peter fic. The Dr Strange/Peter dynamic is really very interesting, in not necessarily a romantic way, but still intriguing. I don't know, but I like it. He broke the multiverse for Peter! It's sweet, actually, in a misguided wizardly way.

~ Speaking of Wizards...WONG, Sorcerer Supreme! I cannot get enough of Wong. If anything happens to him I will break the multiverse.

~ The 3 Peters being brothers for each other was great. Peter 2 and Peter 3 being tender AND flirty with each other is like galaxy brain. It could just be how Andrew Garfield operates, that he just naturally is soft and loving with everyone, but I was fully invested in Peter2/Peter3's loving romance by the end of the film. I'm just saying.

~ The 3 Peters in the lab. What more could I want? lol.

~ Also loved the meta reading of Tom Holland thanking the two Spider-Man actors who came before him, and how they've all sort of are brothers, kinship in the bizarro world of superhero action-film stars in this one particular character, each of them with their MJ romances. I mean, they're all different and yet they're all same.

~ I loved pretty much every moment in the film, but my favorite is all the Peters together in the middle of the sandstorm trying to figure out how to work as a team, and naming themselves Peter 1, Peter 2, and then Andrew Garfield, going "Peter 3!" with his arms in the air, with an expression that's like "I know I'm the third one!" lol.

~ A few years ago I would have said there have been too many spider-man films already, do we really need more, but now I sincerely hope the rumors are true re a third Andrew Garfield Spider-Man/Tom Hardy's Venom team up film. Yes please.

~ I'm heartbroken over May, and heartbroken that no one gets to remember Peter Parker is Spider-Man anymore -- which would have been unbearable if Tony were still alive. I assume things will change in the future -- in the MCU, things only last till the next movie. I hope at least Peter and Mj and Ned reunite in some way.

~ I am sorry about May, but I loved Marisa's performance, and I loved how strong May was at the end, particularly in her faith in Peter, her belief in his goodness. She raised a good kid, and she knows it.

~ Besides that, the villains were all a lot of fun. I mean, I get Willem Defoe, Alfred Molina, AND Jaimie Fox all in one film! Defoe stole each scene he was in. I had no idea who the lizard guy was until they returned him to human and then I was like oh that guy lol. Sand dude was very sandy.

~ Anyway, I loved it! One of my favorites. <3 Dreamwidth Post |

marvel cinematic universe, hawkeye, spider-man

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