Restamp timez? I'm not really seeing the Martel. It seems like she's more in Greed's little group thing because of loyalty to him, but i am not a loyal person at allllll.
The Basics
Name: Madison
Nickname: Maddie/Panda
Age: 15(as of last week!)
Star sign: Leo, I think...
Photo or brief description of yourself:
Would you prefer to be stamped as a male or as a female character? Whichever fits best xD
And, just because we're nosy, where did you hear about
hagaren_rating? I don't remember, I first got stamped here a while ago xD
You In General
Hobbies: I like anime, manga, reading, drawing, sleeping, food.
Talents: I'm alright at cooking and writing.
Likes: long list, orzAnime, manga, shoujo, shonen, mushy fluffy shit, love/hate relationships, love/love relationships, tension, music, sad songs, slow songs, love songs, adorable people, angsty people, emo people, complicated plot twists, 'omg' moments, 'oh no he didn't' moments, the ocean, the beach, seahorses, puppies, old disney movies, shy people, sleeping, the moment you wake up and you can feel the sun on your face, dancing(badly), singing(badly), being hyper, talking on the phone, IMing, e-mailing, reading letters, breezes, spring, summer, autumn, winter, musicals, pretty colors(purple, pink, blue), the sound of babies laughter, giggling, happiness, dorkiness, awkwardness, piano, violin, flowy dresses.
Dislikes: People who are too outgoing, people who challenge my view of things(I kind of really hate change =/), people who try to get me to come out of my shell, being out of my comfort zone, people who like the sound of their own voice(jeez, I sound like I hate people. I really don't.) Self-righteousness, being overemotional about small things, making a mountain out of a molehill, needles, thunderstorms, mosquitoes, lightning, being sweaty.
Three words that best describe you: Mmmm... Timid, arrogant, hateful.
Dreams for the future: I want to get married, adopt a kid or two, see the world... Live in a different country for at least two years.
Favourite colour: Dark blue. It's so pretty and enchanting, ne~
Favourite food: Spaghetti. omnomnom
Favourite season: I like them all equally, pretty much, but I guess autumn. It's gorgeous, all the pretty colors and the cold and the crisp airrrrrr I love it.
Favourite animal: Seahorse. Guys have the babies, oh yeahhhhh. I wanna be a seahorse ;______;
Favourite character, and why: Either Roy or Sloth... Roy because I feel so badddd for the guy, and he's silly and funny and <3. Sloth is hot. 'Nuff said.
If you could choose to be any of the characters for a day, who would you choose, and why? Probably Havoc. Idk, that just seems really fun to me xDDD
Favourite pairing: I'd have to say Roy/Riza. Cuuuuute~ Although Lust/Sloth is pretty hot.
Favourite FMA song, and why: I don't really listen to that much of the music... Indelible Sin is pretty, though.
Favourite type of alchemy (e.g. flame, metal, light), and why: Flame. stfu no I'm not a pyro
Which is best, the manga or the anime? Mmmm, I like the anime more. Probably only because I watched it first, but I also am not too incredibly fond of the art in the manga. ^^;
Leader or follower? Follower. I'm scared to do things on my own and screw up. (I probably should have specified this in my last app, but it wouldn't be because I feel loyalty to the person who's leading me ^^;)
Cool and collected or emotional? The less you know me, the more cool and collected I seem, I guess. I'm not like 'omfgggg -sobsobsob-, but I'm more open about how I feel to my friends.
Confident or shy? More shy, I guess. I'm less shy around my friends, but even around them I'm not really confident.
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist, I guess. My imagination gets the better of me.