Flames. Flames are nice.

Sep 30, 2008 23:09

The Basics
Name: Kate
Nickname: Chibi, Sango, Boruframu
Age: Seventeen.
Star sign: Leo.
Photo or brief description of yourself:

Would you prefer to be stamped as a male or as a female character? Doesn't matter.
And, just because we're nosy, where did you hear about hagaren_rating? A friend of mine showed me a link to here, actually. I found it again when I rummaged through my favorites. Ho-ho.

You In General
Hobbies: Drawing, tennis, collecting things, sewing(I'm pretty bad at it, everything I sew falls to pieces, but I still like doing it. <<;) and youth organization activities.
Talents: Drawing, making people laugh, witty comebacks, and dare I say, charm?
Likes: Drawing, video games, Manga, Anime, color coordination, dancing, looking in the mirror, making music videos, music, hanging out with friends, the caps lock button.
Dislikes: Bugs, most English dubs, being wet, water in general, curly hair, bad hair days, idiocy, people with god complexes, people who think they're better than everyone else, sexism, racism, getting older, bible-thumpers.
Three words that best describe you: Narcissistic, Eccentric, Playful
Dreams for the future: ...I don't really have a goal for myself per se, but I guess my goal would be to make sure that all of my friends get where they need to be(with my help of course ;D), and along the way, work on being passionate in whatever it is I think of doing. (-hasn't decided on what it is yet-)

Favourite colour: Pink and Red. I dig warm colors a lot. Blue = Yuck.
Favourite food: Eh, I dunno. Chicken Alfredo.
Favourite season: Spring or Fall.
Favourite animal: Cats.

Favourite character, and why: I think I'm going to say Riza. Her no-nonsense attitude and her respectable personality is what captures me. She's smart, brave, pretty, passionate and I really like her character.
If you could choose to be any of the characters for a day, who would you choose, and why? Hmm... I don't really know... Roy? I think it'd be pretty darn amusing to walk in his... boots for a day.
Favourite pairing: I dunno... RoyRiza.
Favourite FMA song, and why: ...Rainy Day No Thank You? (Roy's image song) I like it because the beat is catchy and the words are amusing. If that doesn't count, I like Ready Steady Go, because it reminds me of the first time I watched the show and liked it, and it's also a very catchy tune.
Favourite type of alchemy (e.g. flame, metal, light), and why: I like flame, who doesn't like the whole pyro maniac scene? It's brilliant.
Which is best, the manga or the anime? Manga. Definitely.

Leader or follower? Nowadays I'm not really sure anymore, I've always been more of a follower, but that's starting to change to a bit of a leading role.
Cool and collected or emotional? Unfortunately, my emotions get the better of me.
Confident or shy? Confident with a mix of shy.
Optimist or pessimist? Neither, I tend to lean towards the realist point of view.
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