The Basics
Name: Daisy
Nickname: Crazy Daisy
Age: 15
Star sign: Capricorn
Photo or brief description of yourself:
Would you prefer to be stamped as a male or as a female character? Don't mind. :)
And, just because we're nosy, where did you hear about
hagaren_rating? It was in somebody's affiliates list.
You In General
Hobbies: None. I'm such a fun person.
Talents: Making people cringe with my crude humour (as Heather would put it: 'Daisy's perverted jokes') - apparently I can make anything sound wrong. It's all in the giggle.
Likes: earl grey tea, green tea, tea in general, knowing things, Pokemon & eclectic others that will probably come to me after I've finished this survey.
Dislikes: arrogance, ignorance, Greenday, teenage pregnancy, being sick (which I always am), not knowing things, food.
Three words that best describe you: whimsical, eccentric, magical.
Dreams for the future: Marry an asian man (who wears a suit), then have a rainbow family full of coloured children. :D
Favourite colour: Green
Favourite food: Sugar & salt & spices. Basically condiments.
Favourite season: None. I hate all weather unless it's no weather.
Favourite animal: Fox, bat, hedgehog & a variety rodents.
Favourite character, and why: Maes Hughes. I want a husband like that... I'm also partial to Envy (gotta love the androgyny) and Wrath.
If you could choose to be any of the characters for a day, who would you choose, and why? Envy. I want to be that attractive, if only for one day, but I'd probably spend that day looking for a better outfit. -_-"
Favourite pairing: I HATE YOU. ._____. Okay, RoyxMaes. And possibley EnvyxWrath, I'm not far enough into the series to decide.
Favourite FMA song, and why: Tobiru no Mukuo o. It just clicks with me, I think I like the beginning and the way they intertwine it with the ending of an episode.
Favourite type of alchemy (e.g. flame, metal, light), and why: Awwww crap. I don't know. I don't have a favourite. :(
Which is best, the manga or the anime? The manga, but I've only read up to volume 4. I was substituting it for the first 3 DVDs of the anime which I couldn't obtain. Yes, I am now one very confused girl.
Leader or follower? Neither.
Cool and collected or emotional? I'm all emotional. I'm like one big puddle on the floor. Please don't poke me. u_u
Confident or shy? Shy. Sorta.
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist.