I'm really glad I remembered the Flame this go-around...

Jan 18, 2009 19:38

The Basics
Name: Nicole
Nickname: angelfirenze
Age: 22, but 23 in March.
Star sign: Aries, though I haven't cared in years.
Photo or brief description of yourself: Apparently, my sister describes me as Morse code in that I'm quiet for a very long time, then I'll talk a lot about something, and then go quiet again. My imagination is unlimited -- as is my perspective on what could happen at any given time. This makes decisions and certain types of questions rather difficult to answer because I over-think them.
Would you prefer to be stamped as a male or as a female character? I don't have a preference, but I find most of my favorite characters in general are opposite my gender -- being that they're male.
And, just because we're nosy, where did you hear about hagaren_rating? From the LJ search engine while trying to find a possible newbieguide or similar for FMA. Alas, I was unsuccessful.

You In General
Hobbies: Oh, but where to begin...
Talents: Off the top of my head, I can clap one-handed and advanced mathematics is, to me, what basic is to most others.
Likes: Oh, dear -- there's that over-thinking tendency again. I suppose I should say that's what I like to do -- think.
Dislikes: Elitism, Racism -- pretty much any 'ism' that has a negative impact on the universe as a whole.
Three words that best describe you: Quiet. Analytical. Literal.
Dreams for the future: Forensic Pathology and Pediatrics -- mostly the former, since the latter would have me dealing with parents.

Favourite colour: Black and green.
Favourite food: Cheese, to be concise.
Favourite season: Spring, oddly enough.
Favourite animal: Ferrets and cats.

Favourite character, and why: Roy Mustang because inner conflict is sexy.
If you could choose to be any of the characters for a day, who would you choose, and why? Izumi Curtis so I could kick Ed's ass and get away with it.
Favourite pairing: Roy/Mäes
Favourite FMA song, and why: 'Ready, Steady, Go' because it's the most fun to sing and Mäes is still alive most of the time it airs. 'Rewrite' comes in very close second place, though.
Favourite type of alchemy (e.g. flame, metal, light), and why: I don't think I have an actual preference, though my favorite notion is that Roy is actually at his most dangerous when his gloves are wet because he can't control the impetus or strike-zone of any flames he produces. That might be bad, actually...
Which is best, the manga or the anime? I haven't read the manga yet, unfortunately, so I'll have to default with the anime.

Leader or follower? Leader. Actually, I should probably say 'loner' more than anything, but I just can't bring myself to do as others do most of the time, nor do I really know how. That also applies to caring about such things. *shrugs*
Cool and collected or emotional? Cool and collected, which causes problems rather often.
Confident or shy? Shy.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist.
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