The Basics
Name: Olivia
Nickname: Nin
Age: ~Around 13 (oh, the mystery!)
Star sign: Aquarius
Photo or brief description of yourself: 5"9, dyed black hair that comes to about my neck, really pale skin, blue eyes, babyish face and long legs, absolutely no chest whatsoever.
Would you prefer to be stamped as a male or as a female character? I don't care ♥
And, just because we're nosy, where did you hear about
hagaren_rating? I was actually looking for icons during the time I was supposed to be doing a report, but I was all "ooh, shiny!"
You In General
Hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga, drawing playing on the 'net, avoiding physical activity, the odd bit of porn, playing videogames, cosplay, annoying my dog, and best of all tormenting my uncle.
Talents: Drawing, ignoring life to the fullest extent, apparently I'm good at flirting, answering the phone in the meanest tone possible, hacking/cracking, skipping school, corrupting minds
Likes: Sweet things, electronica, livejournal, making graphics, anime, cool clothes, nerds, cognitive psychology, stephen hawking, physics, alchemy
Dislikes: School, high calorie foods, sleeping, doing things that I don't want to involving actual work, boring things, getting called anorexic, holy rollers, the librarian who hates me, idiots
Three words that best describe you: Lazy, smart, lusty. (<--I got that off a "what do you think of me" meme. I'M NOT LAZY okay maybe I am T^T)
Dreams for the future: Anything, as long as it's not dull, virtuous, or completaly safe.
Favourite colour: Black
Favourite food: Hard candy
Favourite season: Fall
Favourite animal: Cats
Favourite character, and why: Roy Mustang or Maes Hughes because I am attracted to flamboyant obviously gay men first
If you could choose to be any of the characters for a day, who would you choose, and why? Ed, just so I could play with a shiny metal arm. XD;;
Favourite pairing: Roy/Hughes or Roy/Ed
Favourite FMA song, and why: I don't know the names of them...-weeps-
Favourite type of alchemy (e.g. flame, metal, light), and why: Light, because it can disable you and give you power at the same time, and represents a lot.
Which is best, the manga or the anime? The manga, because there is more to fangirl.
Leader or follower? I don't like groups, so neither.
Cool and collected or emotional? Cool and collected.
Confident or shy? Confident on paper and with people my own age or with strangers, extremely shy around adults that I know.
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist