Tis a wonderful day ladies and gentlemen. This day will be remembered as the day Hagime gained celerity level 2!
You have drunk 12373 pints of blood.
Powers: Second-sight Suction Celerity(2) Stamina(2) Shadows(1) Thievery(3) Charisma(1)
Money: 8 coins
Vial of Holy Water (4)
Garlic Spray (5)
Location: Lalala
You are sire to 2 other vampires, including: akaneko (714 pints), falling_to
You are a master vampire, with no sire.
And this day will also be known as the day I changed my msn name for a few min! (If you did miss the historical event...Sucks for you...hehehe)
Another historical Event Alert!!! I made a promise with someone...
'If we're not married or in another significant relationship by the time we both reach 27, then we're doomed to suffer the wrath of each other for the rest of our lives'
I am in such a good mood....hehehe
I watched Scrooge last night with my family, Woke up and opened presents at 9, went to my grandparents and ate 5.2lbs of food!!! What more can I say?
Puc,Luke...Breakdance....Best Christmas ever....maybe