..Ok, I'm avoiding going to bed. So, I stole this idea from Nicole's journal. So sue me.
name 13 random things you like:
13. Yankees
12. rides
11. oldies
10. folk music
9. sleeping late
8. singing to myself
7. restaurants
6. hugs...from anyone
5. watching TV with other people
4. Spanish soap operas
3. the word 'suave'
2. long showers
1. confusing other people
name 12 great movies:
12. I
11. Dont
10. Watch
9. Movies
8. So
7. I
6. Really
5. Dont
4. Have
3. Any
2. Answers
1. Sorry
name 11 good bands/artists (no order)
11. The Mamas and the Papas
10. Meatloaf
9. The Eagles
8. Queen
7. Styx
6. Peter, Paul, and Mary
5. Tommy James
4. The Beatles
3. Cher
2. The 5th Dimension
1. Simon and Garfunkel
name 10 random things about you:
10. My middle name is Eugene
9. I'm a democratic-socialist
8. There are five people in the world I can say anything to, and none of them are family members
7. I'm the younger child
6. I don't appreciate having my face licked by strangers
5. I'm a fag...and I really hate the word 'gay'..so I prefer 'fag'
4. I'm not a nazi...I repeat, not a nazi.
3. I get depressed for no reason, but I never show it
2. People think I'm strange...I agree with them
1. Shoes are restricting..I hate them
name 9 close friends, in no order:
9. Matt
8. JB
7. Nicole
6. Flynn
5. Jenn Kamm
4. Jojo
3. Hilary
2. Devon
1. Mance
If I forgot anyone..I didn't mean to
name 8 favorite food/drinks:
8. Nutri Grain bars
7. Dr. Pepper
6. Hawaiian Punch
5. American cheese
4. cheeseburger
3. strawberry milkshake
2. Mac and Cheese with chop meat
1. tunafish on oreos (j/k...though I had it once)
name 7 things you wear daily:
7. uniform..either school or work
6. fag necklace
5. shoes
4. shirt
3. pants
2. underwear
1. uhh..thats all
name 6 things that annoy you:
6. having to pee with no bathroom around
5. people who take life too seriously
4. my family's "Statnoilind" accent
3. Catholocism (not Catholics, mind you...just the religion itself)
2. George W. Bush/Republicans
1. Being called a nazi
name 5 shows you watch:
5. Spanish soap operas
4. Degrassi (not by choice)
3. the news
2. Sporting events
1. Whatever's on On Demand
name 4 things you touch daily:
4. umm...heh...heh...
3. the toilet handle
2. my CD case
1. computer
name 3 celebrities you have/had a crush on:
3. Hal Sparks
2. Hal Sparks
1. Hal Sparks
name 2 people you've kissed:
2. I desperately need/want
1. a boyfriend :(
name one person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. You, of course.