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Jun 11, 2009 18:10

I'm home! I can't walk on my leg yet, but at least infection worries seem to have quelled for now. I have what I think are the tallest crutches known to humankind. And my son and Damon are here too, having finished their exams like warriors. They'll be moving into their new place soon, but I'm greedily demanding a week with them because I have ( Read more... )

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Comments 30

dj_crowley June 11 2009, 09:54:27 UTC
I can't walk on my leg yet, but at least infection worries seem to have quelled for now. I have what I think are the tallest crutches known to humankind.

Oh, do I know how that feels.


hail_st_joseph June 11 2009, 10:03:12 UTC
I have no doubt that you do. I almost toppled over before and I was worried I would flatten half the house... Luckily, Adam caught me. It's a good thing he's almost as tall...


dj_crowley June 11 2009, 10:44:00 UTC
Genetics are a handy thing. As is the knowledge that Jude would have my head if I made a mess.


hail_st_joseph June 11 2009, 11:23:09 UTC
Well, I would think that would be a motivator, yes!


seminalsemiotic June 11 2009, 09:55:43 UTC
Yay! It's wonderful to know that you were able to come home, Joe. That bodes really well *smiles and snuggles*

I can't wait to have Julian, Damon and Aislinn move in! Our house is going to so bright and full of life! It's going to be a lovely place for all of us, it really is. And you can come over whenever you like!


hail_st_joseph June 11 2009, 10:04:48 UTC
It does! I'm still on painkillers, but they took away the morphine. So I am not longer thinking through cobwebs.

It's going to be beautiful, Renee. And trust me, I'll probably be there so often you'll have to tell me to leave. Which you are entirely allowed to do, by the way...


seminalsemiotic June 11 2009, 10:45:17 UTC
Goddess, that must be liberating. I remember what those first days of clear thought after coming off heavy painkillers were like. Practically a miracle.

I don't think I could ever want you to leave *smiles* I just might disappear behind a closed door with my girlfriend every so often *winks*


hail_st_joseph June 11 2009, 11:24:29 UTC
It is! My brains work!

That's fair!! I want you to know, Renee, there is no one I would rather have Julian, Damon and Aislinn living with.


in_spectre_mors June 11 2009, 09:56:42 UTC
My goodness, the invincible Joe Littleton. They should write comics about you!

Ah, Julian and Aislinn most certainly do make the most beautiful picture. I always love to hear about them!


hail_st_joseph June 11 2009, 10:06:05 UTC
One-legged Zipperneck? Well, it'd be good for a laugh with this family, anyway!

They're gorgeous. He won't put her down now, so he's carrying her absolutely everywhere and it's wonderful.


in_spectre_mors June 11 2009, 10:45:52 UTC
It would certainly be a unique title!

Oh, it truly is. I do so adore them both!


hail_st_joseph June 11 2009, 11:25:11 UTC
Well it wouldn't fit me if it wasn't unique!

Me too! Which does help with the father and grandfather thing!


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