Your Name/what you go by: Owl
AIM/E-mail/contact info - some way of reaching you: owls in ur base
Your character's name (last, first): Bei Fong, Toph
Series your character's from: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Background info on your character:
By these powers combined, Aang is CAPTAIN AVATAR! The Avatar \o\ He's our hero /o/ Gonna take the Fire Nation down to Zero \o\ He's our bending magnified /o/ And he's fighting on the planet's side \o/
So once upon a time in a China-based land far, far away, there were these four color-coded countries. The Fire Nation, the Air Nomads, the Water Tribes, and the Earth Kingdom. They lived in harmony because the Avatar kept the balance, controlling all the countries because he mastered all the elements. HOWEVER, one day the Avatar just...disappeared. Woosh. And because of this, the Fire Nation sort of draped on it's fellow countries, all ", yeah we're taking over that, and that..." and there wasn't much these other countries could do about it since the Fire Nation is composed of some really strong people. AND THEN THE WAR HAPPENED. AND PEOPLE DIED. In fact, all of the Air Nomads were wiped out completely! Except for one, this guy named Aang who chilled in an iceberg for about 100 years. And guess what?? It turns out HE'S the Avatar. And that the Fire Nation are now boned because their conquest can only be stopped!! by the avatar. And Aang and Katara and their pet monkey Sokka--er Katara's brother and their pet flying bison set out on a magical quest to do some serious bending. And save the world from those wicked, bad, and nasty fire benders.
We first see Toph in Aang's magical vision in the swamp--just as a laughing girl in a pretty dress who keeps...running away from him. And then, after remembering what craaazy King Bumi told him, Aang set off to find an Earth Bender who would teach him with 'neutral jing' or someone who waits and listens. Toph, being blind, has pretty much no other alternative, so it's obvious she's gonna be his teacher--but enough spoiling foreshadowing. She was a fighter during Earth Rumble Six, and not just a fighter, the champion of the ring. Aang realizes :OOO THAT'S HER and tries to talk to her by taking her on in the ring and...defeats her. So Toph kinda marches off all :||| as Aang is like WAIT I HAVE A DESTINY TO FULFILL ;_; But they lose her. And then after Katara threatens to rip the cocks off some unsuspecting village boys, they learn that she's probably in the Bei Fong household...the richest people in all the land \o/ Anyway, they approach her all MAKE ME AN EARTHBENDER but she calls the guards on them ): But her parents invite them to dinner so yay.
After some food fighting of the bending variety, Toph calls a truce with Aang to go talk to him. It turns out she can 'see' with her feet. With Earthbending, she can feel all the vibrations from around her and get 'sight' from that, but her parents always were overprotective and didn't understand how she could hold up for herself, and that's why she became the blind bandit, to let her inner badass run free. However, the people who ran Earth Rumble Six thought the two of them teamed up to win the grand golden prize and thus, cheated. So they kidnap Aang and Toph, Toph gets let free, Aang is to be send back to the Fire Nation, no nice things. But Toph decides to help and does what blind girls do best and kicked the ass of some huge fugly wrestlers \o/ thus freeing Aang. And she comes clean to her parents about her lifestyle and they...vow to lock her up so she doesn't keep doing shit like this oops.
EXCEPT. Just before Aang and co. are to leave, Toph stops them all \o/ HEY. HEY. Dad said I could join you guys, let me on your flying bison. Onlllyyy she's lying. And she ran away. And her dad's sending some of those wrestler men after her because she was 'kidnapped' by the Avatar and must be brought home!! Where are Toph's nice things. Anyway, they...don't all get along right away, Toph is really defiant and brash, claiming she's gonna carry her own weight and find her own food, build her own shelter, and Katara is like TEAMWORK CAVEGIRL :||| and Toph is like LEAVE ME ALONE SUGARQUEEN :||| and Sokka is amused by all this fighting until it turns out they're being tracked by Crazula and her lackeys. And then Katara, Aang, and Toph have another big fight, and Toph goes off on her own. And meets Iroh! Who she has some self-discovering realizations with. And then she goes back to the team to help fend off Crazula once and for all--wait she just keeps coming back never mind. ):
COMMENCE TRAINING. Only Toph is really, really tough on Aang because conflicting elements are really hard to master, and earth and air are those opposites--! And by tough, I mean 'lets throw a bolder at you and see if you can stop it :D' tough. Only it takes Aang to need to save Sokka before he snapped out of it and learned how to earthbend properly \o/. And then they went into the desert and found a library, and uh...found out that Fire Benders were at their weakest during the Solar Eclipse. And so begins the journey to Ba Sing Se to tell the Earth King this valuble information.
SUMMARY TIME: Ba Sing Se is full of brainwashed fuckwits, a drill tries to pierce the city's heavens and fails, the fact that there's a war going on is kept a secret from even the Earth King by Long Feng, who really runs the city. Aang and co overthrow Long Feng but then they're infiltrated by Azula and her gal pals dressed up as Kiyoshi Warriors. Oh, and Zuko's in there living the good life with his uncle right until Azula a.k.a. the metaphor for the snake in the tree in Eden, tempts him with glory and restoring his honor, and Zuko goes to the bad side once more, but he's truly unhappy--WAIT this app is about Toph must stop caring about Zuko. Anyway, Ba Sing Se falls from the inside, Aang nearly dies but then doesn't, and our heroes are on their way to the Fire Nation with some Water Tribe people in Fire Nation disguise to wait for the ambush and possibly learn some firebendin's.
Also Toph gets captured by those guys who were chasing her before but then learns some metalbendin's and gets out and now she's okay again yaaaaaaay moving on.
IN THE FIRE NATION Toph learns how to scam people, and she and Katara fight about it a lot :( But we find out that Toph actually views Katara as a mother figure, considering her mother never acted like a real mother or treated her how she wanted. And so, to prove to Toph that she could be fun--Toph and Katara do a scam together. Only it ends badly as they're used for bait for the Avatar--but Katara uses her sweat for waterbending (ew) to escape, and Toph throws a rock at Sparky Sparky Boom Man (Combustion Man \o/ the guy uh Zuko sent to kill Aang) and blocks his chi. With Katara writing for her, Toph writes a letter home because she loves mommy and daddy after all ;_; aww.
ANYWAY to cut another plot way short, on the Day of Black Sun, Toph feels the vibrations in the city to find a secret bunker in the city. But...they find Azula who knew about this stuff all along thanks to her undercover Kiyoshi doings. Enter epic battle, while Zuko discovers he loved his uncle all along and plans to join the Avatar and fulfill his destiny as his mother's sun--wait no this app isn't about Zuko sigh. And the Avatar gang escapes to the western air temple! \o/ And at the Temple is where HEY GUYTH ZUKO HERE--and Toph is the first person to notice he's there. Insert scene where Zuko says that he has changed and wishes to teach Aang!! And er, Toph can sense when people are lying, and says he isn't, everyone else still says no :|||
Until Zuko burns her feet because he was surprised that she showed up. :| Christ Zuko why you gotta take away a blind girl's only way of seeing. Anyway, she admits to the rest of the team that er she met with Zuko while Katara is healing her, and they uh...want to attack him :B;; And Toph actually tells them it was an accident blah blah insert more Combustion Man anyway, Zuko joins the team and now they have enough color-coded teenagers to make up a full team of Planeteers \o/ Insert some Southern Raiders stuff here too. And then they go see a play about...themselves on Ember Island, and afterwards Toph and Zuko talk about Iroh and how Toph knew that Iroh really cared about Zuko from her previous times chilling with him and that he would forgive him.
And while waiting for Sozin's comet, Toph acts like MELON LORD!! to prepare them for the epic battle that's coming. And goes on a life-changing field trip with Zuko that lands here on the island. :||| AND THAT'S where I'm stopping.
Personality-wise, Toph mirrors Aang in that she values freedom, but she is also the brash, angry, and hot-headed member of the team. While at first she's used to respecting her parent's wishes, when she joins the team it's more than apparent that she prefers to be independent, something that changes with time as she adapts to the life of the Avatar group. She has a tendancy to be really...uh, mean. She's brutally honest with someone's faults and weaknesses--somewhat making her like a rock, blunt and rooted in her way of thinking, stubborn and to the point. Heehee metaphors.
But this isn't to say Toph doesn't have some feelings--she is somewhat self conscious because she is blind and has never seen what she looks like, she also doesn't like relying on others because of her blindness, something that's stuck with her ever since she left her home. And despite her gross habits and brash attitude, she does love and miss her parents very much, to the point of crying when she says she might've hurt them. However, this is a side of her that no one sees often, and she prefers to hide it from most people in favor of her usual attitude.
It isn't that Toph doesn't have any manners, she's said herself that she knows them from the rich important life she led before and rejected it herself, but still remembers how it used to be. She also have somewhat of a soft spot for Sokka :||| only she'd never say it ever. She also is fiercely loyal to her friends and close to them, and is pretty brave with putting her life on the line for them. Also, she tries not to let her blindness get in the way of helping, even if, does sometimes. But yeah, she's like the opposite of Katara, who is motherly, caring, and supportive, by being independent, brutally honest, and a harsh teacher for the most part.
Sample post: (First person point of view, please)
Hey, you there. Yeah, you--c'mere for a minute. Now, I KNOW I was just in the Fire Nation. It's got a certain feel to it--! And then the next second, I'm feeling sand and the vibrations are all wrong. I said I wanted a life-changing field-trip, but Zuko really surprised me there. He was the one being all uptight about not goofing off because of Sozin's comet...
Anyway--and no, I can't see that it's a beach. You'd think that closer inspection might alert you that I'm--you know, blind? Anyway, I'm looking for my friend...s. It's kind of really important that we all stick together this time around and get back to getting ready for something. It's not your business, okay? Just tell me if you've seen them!
...Well, no. I can't give you a physical description. Blind, remember? But I guess I can describe what they sound like. They're pretty hard to miss, even then.
First, there's Aang. I know he's not hard to find, what with everyone following us all the time. I guess he's...bald? Also, he's really friendly, If he's not riding a wild animal for fun, he's off saving the world or whatever. If he's here too, he's probably either getting ready or focusing on making some new friends. --No? You haven't met any Aangs? Alright, fine.
Well, there's Katara...! She really, really used to get on my nerves, but she's really dependable. And uh, huggy. Chances are, if you've met her, she's hugged you. She's a water bender, and she's Sokka's babysitter. Oh, Sokka? He's not a bender, but he's a part of our group too. And then there's Suki, and...
I know Zuko has to be around here somewhere. He's the last person I saw. He and my friends used to not really get along, but I guess he's a good guy once you get down to it. I'm sure you can recognize him, he's got a scar on his left...right? One of his eyes, I don't know which one. And anyway, he's--
Oh, come on, you're joking! You're a monkey? I can't believe I wasted my time all--augh, nevermind. This is the worst field-trip ever.
A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:
Awesome Hawaiian shirt
Souvenirs \o/
Autographed Jet picture for Katara :DDD
--Though seriously, some money and some fire nation clothes along with that :O Also the small
meteorite that Sokka gave her hee.