Day 7: Favorite Playlist Piece of Music
Screw you, meme! IT'S MY LJ, I CAN MEME HOW I WANT TO. Quit asking me to narrow everything down to one!
This isn't in any order either.
Song of FreedomJust...can I just...oh my God I love this song. I honestly get chills every time I hear it. Amazing, fantastic, and so unbelievably moving.
DoomsdayOne of the things that makes this piece, I think, is the haunting undertones. What I find interesting about this song is how if you heard it without having known about the scene it ties to, I don't think it would be that sad at all. Point in case: had a friend listen to it, never seen Doctor Who, and when I mentioned how sad it was she said, "Interesting." Interesting. I on the other hand couldn't listen to it in public because people would wonder if I suddenly got dirt in my eyes.
Martha's ThemeAs much as I love Rose's and Donna's themes, and the Doctor's, (which I almost listed all of them anyway) I find this one to be the most beautiful. Plus, you know, I gotta give the girl some props somehow. ILU Martha! Honest!
This is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our HomeAnother of those "Just...can I just..." songs. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but it's a very good thing. This song has so many currents running through it: power and haughtiness, but also a sadness that almost would seem prophetic to what would become of this great planet and people. Love it. Loveitloveitloveit.
All the Strange, Strange CreaturesHas been known to pump the trailers up to a very high-strung "WATCH OR DIE" sort of feeling. Makes me want to watch episodes when I'm in the most inconvenient places like football games or stores. And I love the riff that runs through this song. So catchy. I find myself humming it frequently.
Tooth and ClawAaawwwoooooo- Anyway, yeah I like this song. It's neat and fun with a bit of danger thrown in there. Or a lot of danger. Plus, um, werewolf!
A Noble Girl About TownFun. Totally Donna. I like this one more than her theme from season 3 (MARTHA IT'S NOT YOU I PROMISE), to be honest. Though both are appropriately sassy. This one just reminds me of Partners in Crime and I adore that episode muchly.
The Doctor ForeverLoooove. Much love here. Another fun one, but with sadness and all-around awesomeness packed neatly within 4 minutes and 19 seconds.
Well I think I'll never forget how to use the HTML tag to link something... That's all, folks! I could go on, but there's no point is saying "ALL THE CDS LOL". I haven't heard the Series 4 Specials yet, or Season 5. Can't wait for those, though a;ans;ajl. I'm such a sucker for good music.