omg this is so adorable \o/ i love this so much, i love the detail you place on things, like the sweating soda against jiyeon's arm the ending, where you explain why they link arms. it accents the moments and brings so much visualization to them!
also, i didn't know hyomin was leader now! i really like that t-ara does that, shares the load. it's a lot less stress on them if they lead for so long instead of forever always.
GOOD LORD, THIS ENTIRE COMMENT. it makes me happy that you point them out, because they're the few fun things about writing.
yes, and i think they put a little more spotlight on the leader? when boram was leader, i actually felt like i was noticing her more. so since we're talking about t-ara, have you watched roly poly? NEEDS FIC BADLY.
Comments 4
also, i keep forgetting hyomin is the leader now :(
also, i didn't know hyomin was leader now! i really like that t-ara does that, shares the load. it's a lot less stress on them if they lead for so long instead of forever always.
yes, and i think they put a little more spotlight on the leader? when boram was leader, i actually felt like i was noticing her more. so since we're talking about t-ara, have you watched roly poly? NEEDS FIC BADLY.
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