I'm too poor to be buying ppl big gifts too, but I'm pretty sure my family is well aware of that. Also for people not in my family (and actually my sisters too) I only buy them gifts if they are getting me one. I'm sick of spending money on cheap friends who only expect getting gifts. Psst, I bought Candace gifts for countless X-mases and B-days and she only gave me a used candle from her dead great aunts house on my 14th Bday! So as mean or greedy as that sounds it's not, it's just means I'm spending money on people who think I'm worth spending money on. A 2 page list? YOWZER! I don't think I could make a list that big even if I tried. My list this year contains maybe 5 items, and some of those are things I put there just so I have more of a list. I hope it snows only for Christmas too because snow is icky and cold. I hate when it gets all melty and muddy and then gets on everything
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