Day 9 of my continuing campaign to lower the quality of the Nation's poetry, under the pretext of National Poetry Writing Month.
Or NaPooWriMo, in a recurring theme of the classical Limerick.
Rees-Mogg is the boss of the herd
Defiantly posh and absurd
He boasts and dissembles
And closely resembles
A giant unflushable turd
For those of you who do not follow Westminster politics, Jacob Rees-Mogg is a vulgar term for the act of crapping in a top hat and referring to it the as 'The Honourable Gentleman'.
I have dedicated other works to this paragon of aristocratic virtue - his views carry some weight these days, and they are as offensive as they are dangerous - and I may return to this particular Limerick if a better first line occurs to me.
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here, on Dreamwidth, which has
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