Ok, he's one of the main characters on FFX, in the game, he is trying to defeat a monster called sin. Which keeps respawning itself and he is from a different time period. Way in the future where sin doesn't exist yet until it comes and transports him to a future where sin has caused mass destruction and he meets some very "strange people." Yuna, Lulu, Wakka, his friend Auron from the past who came along with him, rikku, kimari... well, they're all trying to protect yuna. A summoner, her job is to summon Aeons that she will use to defeat monsters and eventually sin. Though in order to do that she has to get the final summoning by praying for it at a temple as she has done for the others. So on so forth and yeah but Tidus is a blitzball player which is a sport there which is played underwater in a blitzball dome. It was during one of those games that he was acutally transported.. And yeah if ya want anymore info just ask. I probably wouldn't be the best one to. Ask Anthony, John, or Markie.. they could give you the best insight.
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