Rescuing Luca

Oct 03, 2006 19:39

One sunny day, Alaizabel decided to go on a trip to the downstairs world...

Alaizabel: All set and ready to go! Now I just need to...
*sudden shifting movement from above*
Alaizabel: ... what was that..?

Luca: Mow.. mow... ;___; mowwwwuuu~~..!
Alaizabel: ...What's that....? Luca! What have you done!! You've got yourself stuck up there!! Oh nooo.. wait, please don't cry, I'll get you down, I'll...-!
Luca: ...mow... *whimper*

Alaizabel: Eee *reach reach* *waves arm* This red beanbag is too big!! I can't reach! *wave wave*
Luca: ..moww.... *sob*

Alaizabel: ohh.. I'm just not tall enough... what do I do...? I'm too little to reach the top of the beanbag.. but the others aren't here because they're still asleep but...

Alaizabel: What's that? D: It's Mr Seal!

Alaizabel: Mr Seal, please help me. Little Luca's stuck up there... well, granted, he's bigger than me... as many things are... but he's so scared up there!
Mr Seal: ...
Alaizabel: Oh please, Mr Seal, Luca can't get down on his own... the least I could do is stay up there with him until the others arrive... please help me go and look after him, please? You're my only hope ;__;
Mr Seal: ...I suppose... but only if you give me payment.

Alaizabel: In.. what... way...? *puzzled*
Mr Seal: ^__^ Cakeee~~!
Alaizabel: I thought seals liked.. fish.. or something...
Mr Seal: The clever people got it wrong.
Alaizabel: Oh.
Alaizabel: Ok then! :3
Mr Seal: But wait... how will you...

Alaizabel: Easy! ^_^ I just pick you up!
Mr Seal: @__@ *dizzy*

Alaizabel: Put you down... and...put my foot... your back is so squidgy!!
Mr Seal: Thanks. I go to the gym a lot. 8)
Alaizabel: Isn't squidgyness a bad...
Mr Seal: .No. >__>
Alaizabel: Ah well that's ok then! *step up*

Alaizabel: Luca, Luca.. it's ok! *wave* I'm here to rescue you! Luca...! *climb climb*
Mr Seal: Arggg me poor blubber!
Alaizabel: And... UP we go! *climbs onto beanbag*
Luca: Mow?

Luca: Mow! =D
Alaizabel: ^___^ It's ok now Luca..
Luca: ..mowwww *purr* ^__^
Alaizabel: It's ok, I'll wait with you until the others get here. You're safe with me. :)


3 hours later.
Mr Seal: *snooze* *wakes up* HEY! Someone owes me cake! >= ( *angry seal mode*

--The End--

Thanks a bundle for reading ^_^ I hope you all enjoyed it!! :3 *huggles*
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