008 [ voice ]

Jan 01, 2011 00:43

[ ooc: Backdated to the 31st, during noon. ]

For those who may have known him, Niko has returned home. [ Alf sounds fairly accepting of the fact, mostly because he's had time to sort out his thoughts. ] He has for a while, actually. I apologize for not sharing the news earlier.

[ With that, he changes the topic. ]

The year will come to an end, soon. I admit, I'm surprised by how fast the time's gone by. Despite so much having happened, it feels as though I just arrived yesterday -- like a long journey that didn't feel long at all. Does anyone else feel the same?

c: caesar silverberg (mydearapple), - voice, c: sanji (oda_hates_me), c: nina parker (compos_mentis), !in character, c: john h. watson (sittingtype), c: ventus (risingwinds), c: estellise sidos heurassein (inabook), c: kouki wakahisa (de_bel_survivor), c: richard (ledbythewind), game: luceti, c: rise kujikawa (liketofu), c: cloud strife (herobydefault), c: helios sola sprensonne (folkloristic)

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