I've got four projects to finish by next week, my car is still not my old car that I loved, my job situation is starting to feel precarious, I'm owed a paycheck, the insurance guy hasn't called back about settling my medical claim, and I just sat through an hour of a financial planning company trying to recruit me as a...well, they didn't really say, but my answer was no. So, for a distraction, let's take a page from the book of
an acquaintance in an altered state of consciousness and see what my top site visited for each letter of the alphabet is:
http://www.accursedfarms.com/ - to check for new Freeman's Mind updates. Constantly. ;;;
http://www.blogger.com/ C:
http://www.cad-comic.com/ - Yes, I read Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Feel free to shun me now ._.
D: A NSFW GoogleDocs RP I engaged in with someone who disappeared from my life and whom I still think about a lot :\
http://echobazaar.failbettergames.com/ - I don't really play anymore, but I guess I haven't found anything else that has an E in it to supplant it.
http://www.freetetris.org/ - It helps me think, okay?
http://gendou.com/ - I used to download from there constantly, but since I'm kind of out of the anime loop now, I only go there for lyrics anymore.
http://www.halflife2.net/forums/index.php I:
http://images.google.com/ J:
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/JustBugsMe/Half-Life - Holy shit. The TVTropes part is embarrassing enough, but a TVTropes page that exists to nitpick Half-Life? ...-cries from geekiness-
http://keepvid.com/ L:
http://lifewithlamarr.com/index.php - The awesomest GMod comic out there :D
http://megatokyo.com/ - ...Now I REALLY can't look you all in the eye anymore ;_;
http://www.nationstates.net/nation=hakojo - Cool little country simulator I found.
http://hakojo.deviantart.com/ - I never check messages from the dA mainpage, because it's so much faster just to click on the link to my gallery from my LJ (which is my homepage...)
http://photobucket.com/ Q: The same RP as D.
http://www.regretsy.com/ S:
http://www.somethingawful.com/ T:
http://twitter.com/ U:
http://www.usbank.com - Where my money is stored, because I am a big responsible grown-up adult thing now and have a bank account :D
http://www.vgcats.com/ - In doing this I discovered that there was actually a new comic up. HOLY CRAP!
http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page - Yes, the Half-Life wiki beats out ACTUAL WIKIPEDIA. I hate myself.
http://xkcd.com/ - Of course.
http://www.yahoo.com/ Z:
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation - Because nothing beats snarky, well-spoken guys with British accents talking about video games I will never play.
So there. Now let's see if I can manage to do something productive.