May 11, 2010 12:23
- 14:05 I didn't know Justin Beaver was 16! I thought he was 12 :D Certainly sounds like it. #
- 15:41 ahfoasihofa I WROTE. SOMETHING. Ryan ish scared of ze river. D: Poor Ryan! *huggle* #
- 21:09 Q:So, do you think the new tron wmovie will b... A:YES. D: I very much think Legacy will be go... formspring.me/emotastic/q/530202020 #
- 22:16 ...raynie started
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May 10, 2010 11:03
- 12:49 oh gosh that KH news was so very fake XDD; #
- 12:50 Watched Race to Witch Mountain last night! Twas good :] And asdfhoasih TRON GEEK IN THE MOVIE AWESOME :DD #
- 14:26 @ insidethemagic Anything from the Tower of Terror would be neat! #
- 20:52 Iron Man 2: The Disney poking-fun-at bits (and the song!! XD;) and the Daft Punk song were so very amusing
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May 09, 2010 11:00
- 12:10 How do you write when it's like 'Ughhhhh I don't wanna write' and that's been happening since #NaNoWriMo ended D:< #
- 12:26 Q:I went to Disneyland with my boyfriend over... A:No, I haven't been, but I very much want to... formspring.me/emotastic/q/519691525 #
- 12:35 @ leofair Thank you! I'll try that and see if I get anything written :D #
- 13:
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May 08, 2010 11:00
- 12:07 There's one note on here that I keep on playing over and over again and it's like 'zomg choo are awesome little note :]' #
- 12:29 Dude, that was kinda fun! :D Except electric guitar would be better. Still works, though XD; #
- 12:37 random adventures ftw! - Turned on my computer and immediately decided that I was going to learn how to play...
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May 07, 2010 11:00
- 13:53 Was singing along to Love is War and the kitty on my desk started staring at me. DO I SING BADLY PAUL I'M SORRIES ;A; #
- 14:41 NO KHI SERVER DON'T BE BUSY I JUST FINISHED MY POST ;___; Yes, caps lock was required. :D #
- 14:48 Idea: if I'm hungry, wait an hour. Won't be hungry then! :D ...Maybe. Maybe not. I'm being veryvery self-conscious right
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May 06, 2010 11:00
- 14:03 This may be kinda impatient, but I reallyreallyreally want to post in Traces of Solitude right now and can't ;___; Blargh. #
- 14:03 Anyone up for a KH1-esque roleplay? I'm throwing around the idea of starting another one, even though I'm in two/three RPs XD; #
- 14:13 Photo: New sketches! Here we goooooo~ :] This is for a crossover Kingdom
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May 05, 2010 11:00
- 16:43 This picture of Aoi has him looking all serious. ...aoi-kunnnn, you're not serious. evar. D: WTF WHAT IS UP WITH THIS RP. #
- 09:51 MICKEY TALKS. ZOMG ;A; I thought it would be stuck in stage shows, but he's talking to park guests and ashdofiahsoiha :DD #
- 09:52 When's Stitch going to talk!? ...or Goofy! Or Donald! They talk in the show, so
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May 04, 2010 11:00
- 14:57 Might not be getting the 999 recognizers badge for #FlynnLives because, last time, it took me 4 hours to get to 999? xD; Trying again! #
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May 03, 2010 11:00
- 17:11 Saw @Kaiitun's new picture and... ashdofiash rena doesn't have a station of awakening 8D;; oops! #
- 17:12 Must finish TWTNW battle CG first before the Station of Awakening! I have no clue what to put on it. (...AOI :DD) #
- 17:13 Painting backgrounds is fun yet tedious. IDK D: When do I get to colour Reny?! #
- 19:28 @ Kaiitun Yesyes! xD;
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May 02, 2010 11:00
- 12:39 @ insidethemagic Anything from Tomorrowland would be cool! #
- 12:41 Happy Birthday, Hollywood Studios! :D Or MGM-Studios. Or whatever you want to be called XD; #
- 13:05 Playing KH2 for reference in this CG I'm doing. Except you can't get to the location I'm trying to paint XD; #
- 13:05 I went to Space Paranoids instead and started squealing, then
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