Two new lyrics!

Oct 26, 2009 22:27


I had to write new lyrics! ^^

What do you think of them?

"Forsaken one" is more... well, like, sad, hardcore and crazy, while "Winter Sleep" is more, like, a slimy love song XD

Enjoy them! And if you don't like them or do like them, please leave critique if you have some :D
I'd be happy about comments ^^

Here we go!

Forsaken one

Break the ground
Call the saintly ones
Be covered, embraced by wings
And find your voice again, forsaken one

“Stay with me tonight, let me embrace you”
Can’t you remember those words
You once heard, a long time ago
Your ears were melted by the fire you enlightened
Can’t you remember a single word
What’s right and what’s wrong
Forsaken one


You can’t breathe, forsaken one
Can’t speak
You can’t even hear, once sacred one
Can’t tell
And now you can’t even scream anymore

Break the ground
Call the saintly ones
Be covered, embraced by wings
And find your voice again, forsaken one

Figure your place
Are you able to
Feel the fire rising
Are you able to
Up the sky, burning everything
Black flames melting even stars


You can’t breathe, forsaken one
Can’t speak
You can’t even feel, once sacred one
Can’t live
And now you can’t even cry anymore

Crash down and die!

Break the ground
Call the saintly ones
Be covered, embraced by wings
And find your voice again, forsaken one

Covered with black blood
Drowning in the limpid sand
The sand clock let fall down on you - drown!
Can’t think of anything
Can’t feel the sand’s turning to rain
The sand clock wants to torture you - die!
The fire you enflamed
Is going to drown
When the last flicker dies
You’ll take your last breath

Break the ground
Call the saintly ones
Be covered, embraced by wings
And find your voice again, forsaken one

The flame’s decreasing
Your flame’s just a little light
Die, die!
Don’t struggle
The limpid sand will swallow everything
Don’t try to survive
You won’t succeed
Forsaken one
Die! Don’t try to hide

You couldn’t break the ground
You couldn’t call the saintly ones
You couldn’t be covered, embraced by wings
Couldn’t find your voice
You’re meant to die here
Forsaken, once sacred one

Winter sleep

When was the last time
I saw anything as graceful as you
Framed by powder snow
Even your smile seemed like a dream

I feared your touch
Because I thought I would soil you
Your warm smile spilled my tears
I couldn’t resist
I begged you to become mine
Trust in me
I will never let you go
Trust in me
I will dream for you as well
Just smile like that again

Let me tell you
You can rely on me
I’ll always be there
Waiting for you
So don’t be scared
Please, let me stain your holy existence


Your holy eyes
I don’t deserve to see
Your sacred smell
I’m not allowed to breathe
Your forbidden lips
I can’t help but imagine to touch
You stole my all
On that winter day we first met

Let me keep dreaming, keep seeing you

I feared your touch
Because I thought I would soil you
Your warm smile spilled my tears
I couldn’t resist
I begged you to become mine
Trust in me
I will never let you go
Trust in me
I will dream for you as well
Just smile like that again

As my tears fell down
Because of that promise I did not keep
I travelled to the stars
Bringing stardust to the earth
Because I once was told it would grand three wishes
I wished for your health
I wished for your happiness
I wished for your smile, just one last time
To tell you
I’m sorry, sacred one
Forgive me
I love you

I feared your touch once more
Because I thought I would soil you
Your warm smile spilled my tears
I couldn’t resist
I begged you to become mine again

Will you grand my wish?


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