Mar 18, 2004 01:46
Ironically, tonight for some reason i actually clicked on your live journal for the first time ever and thought today's entry was rather interesting considering it was about me.
Anyways, I wanted to apologize for making you cry when we talked on IM. And I wanted to apologize for hurting you so badly. I am not a mean person yet you may think of me as one for quite some time. And although we don't talk and to be honest, I don't even know what would happen if we actually ran into each other.
Not that it is any of my business, but i read some of your entries and I thought you deserved to hear something nice every once and a while.
Life will turn out great for you someday I promise. You have some very amazing qualities. You are very imaginative, you are open to new things ( like anime =) ). You take the time to see from other people's perspectives and you listen.
There are things and times i regret, everyone has them. But none of them were spending time with you. The only thing i regret is not being there to help you with your finals last fall so you wouldn't have gotten removed from UC Davis.
I hope things work out for you. I have always wanted the best for you. Even if it doesn't seem like it, it is true. Everything I have tried to do ........ I am gonna stop now, i didn't mean to go this direction with this email.
You have a good and kind heart. I will always love that about you. And please don't cry reading this email. It is not meant to torture you with my presence. It is simply meant to make you smile.