Two Men, A Baby and Some Pirates

Jan 03, 2008 12:43

Christmas present for nhaca_writes. BB, I tried, but I'm just not so good at this stuff. I hope it makes you squee at least a little and doesn't spook your wazoo. ♥

Two Men, A Baby and Some Pirates
pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong

"Yunho!" Jaejoong calls, and Yunho knows that tone of voice well enough to realize that his day off is over. He should put down his book and get ready to sigh and begin undoing whatever Jaejoong has done, but it has been so long since he has had some rest, so long since he's enjoyed some peace and quiet, and so he ignores him. He keeps ignoring him when Jaejoong calls his name again, keeps ignoring him as he listens to Jaejoong's footsteps padding towards him, only looks up when Jaejoong clears his throat impatiently just outside of his field of vision.

Jaejoong is holding a baby.

Yunho sighs and puts his book down. "Jae, did you steal someone's child?"

"Yeah, Yunho, I stole a baby." Jaejoong rolls his eyes. "Of course not."

"Then where did you get it?" Yunho asks, and tries to gauge the probability that this line of questioning will give him a headache.

"Her, Yunho, where did I get her."

High, he decides, pinching the bridge of his nose and trying not to laugh. "Fine, Jae, where did you get her?"

"One of the coordi nunas," Jaejoong says, wiggling his finger in front of the baby's face and looking altogether delighted with himself.

"One of the coordi nunas just gave you her baby," Yunho repeats skeptically.

"Well, no," Jaejoong says, as if Yunho is being particularly dense. "She was telling me what a hard time she was having finding a babysitter for her anniversary, and I said we'd be glad to look after little Miyoung. Didn't I?" he asks Miyoung, smiling broadly down at her. "Didn't I?" he repeats, wiggling his finger in front of her again, and she laughs.

"So you volunteered me to babysit on my day off," Yunho practically groans, and there it is, the small dull pain starting in the back of his head...

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun!" Jaejoong says, gingerly lowering himself down onto the couch next to Yunho. "We'll play Big Gay Daddies for the day!" When Yunho lowers his head into his hands and actually does groan, Jaejoong tries a different tactic. "If you play Big Gay Daddies with me today, we can play a game that you like later tonight..."

Yunho is about to tell Jaejoong that even all the games of Pirate and (Slutty) Stowaway and Doctor and (Slutty) Nurse in the world would not be enough to make him give up his day off when, in the midst of his preparatory gesturing, he feels something close around his pinky finger. When he looks over, he sees five tiny fingers wrapped into a tiny first attached to a tiny, smily Miyoung, and so instead he says, "Oh." She's beautiful, he thinks, and then he sees Jaejoong grinning triumphantly and for just a moment, he hates how much he loves babies, hates how much he loves Jaejoong, hates how much he wants to kiss both adorable foreheads next to him. Then he sighs, smiles wanly and says, "Ok, Big Gay Daddies it is."


Both he and Jaejoong like babies; the difference between them, Yunho thinks, is that Jaejoong has absolutely no idea what the hell he is doing with them. What this means practically is that Jaejoong plays peek-a-boo and reads board books and tickles tiny feet and then, when Miyoung starts crying, he brings her to Yunho and makes puppy dog eyes as if to say, fix it. So Yunho spends his day preparing formula and changing diapers and soothing away tears, not to mention being sneezed on and burped up on and very nearly peed on (it is at this juncture than Yunho realizes the perks of having a little girl and not a little boy). When, at the end of the day, from his long-coveted and finally-attained position on the couch he hears crying from the room where Jaejoong has gone to put Miyoung down for the night, he preemptively calls out, "I am not fixing anything else tonight. You figure it out." The crying builds for a minute or so, and then the singing starts.

It is the lullaby his mother sang to him when he was little, and Yunho finds himself off the of couch, walking down the hall and leaning against the door frame of the bedroom before he knows it, watching Jaejoong sing. In the wake of Jaejoong's lullaby the crying recedes and then disappears, but Jaejoong keeps singing, eyes closed, leaning over the cradle, note after sweet note flowing out of his mouth and filling the room with warmth and calm. When he finishes, he leans down and kisses Miyoung softly on the forehead, then turns toward the door. His eyes widen in surprise when he sees Yunho there watching him, but his footsteps don't falter, and when he reaches the door his hands slide gently behind Yunho's neck and he presses their lips together in a soft kiss.

"Thank you for helping me today," he whispers, and slides his arms the rest of the way around Yunho's neck and rests his head on Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho wants to be grumpy, but his body seems entirely unaware of this desire; his arms snake around Jaejoong's waist and his lips press lazy kisses into Jaejoong's hair. "Yeah, well," he manages to get out, voice husky.

Jaejoong breaks their embrace and wordlessly takes his hand and leads him into the living room. "No, really, thank you," he says, sitting Yunho down sideways on the couch and curling in behind him.

Yunho melts when he feels strong, sure fingers begin to work on his tense shoulders, shudders when they hit a particularly big knot, and says, "My pleasure." He realizes after the words come out that he is telling the truth. Moments later, before he can stop himself, he blurts out, "I think you're going to be a great dad, Jae," and this, too, is the truth.

Jaejoong snorts. "Of course I am," he says, then wraps his arms around Yunho from behind and presses a warm kiss to the nape of his neck. "As long as you're there with me."

Yunho brings his hands up and clasps them over Jaejoong's, squeezing tightly. He is surprised to feel tears come unbidden to his eyes, and he realizes with amazement that he is about to cry when he feels Jaejoong's breath hot against his ear. "Now, do you want to be the pirate or the stowaway tonight?"

rating: mature content, !fic, character: yunho, character: jaejoong, fandom: dbsk

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