If you go into the page where you manage your friends list right after you join, simply uncheck the box next to the community name. That way you'll still be a member, but it will for sure not be taking up absurd amount of friends page space.
An LJ cut is done as such: [lj-cut]insert content here[/lj-cut] or [lj-cut text="Whatever you want the cut to say instead"]insert content here[/lj-cut]
To reference someone's name: [lj user="name"] or, for a community, [lj comm="name"]
For both of these, replace [ and ] with < and > respectively.
I tend to use the Rich Text Editor for most of my work like that - it gives buttons that make most of my editing of my posts a lot easier. I say most as sometimes it screws up, particularly when I have an LJ name in a cut section. When that happens is when I have to go wading through my HTML to fix it manually - a real pain in the neck.
The way khandreia described above is the "correct" way to do it though. 8-) It's also how I just referenced her name in this comment.
Comments 3
An LJ cut is done as such:
[lj-cut]insert content here[/lj-cut]
[lj-cut text="Whatever you want the cut to say instead"]insert content here[/lj-cut]
To reference someone's name:
[lj user="name"] or, for a community, [lj comm="name"]
For both of these, replace [ and ] with < and > respectively.
The way khandreia described above is the "correct" way to do it though. 8-) It's also how I just referenced her name in this comment.
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