Sorry, I kept you waiting
ヒジキ 隊長を連れ戻す!?
Hisagi: 'Bring my taichou back!'
盲目 お前は本当の恐怖を知らないからそんな事をいえるんだ
Tousen: 'You can say such a thing only because you don't know true terror. I'll teach you what true terror is!'
WWとマシろ 白キーックが顔面にあたり吹っ飛んだ所で
WW and Mashiro: Mashiro tries to kick him right in the face
We go back to Hallibel and the chibi children
素人とひよりは どっちがちびかとの言い争いで(つっこみ2人)リサがハリベルとタイマンへ
Hitsu and Hiyori start arguing: 'Who ya callin' chibi?!' (they both retort)) Lisa goes into one-on-on battle with Hallibel
髑髏の方へ 結界師があなたの弱点はわかってますと余裕で結界で包囲するが
髑髏 ?鬼門?も老いがあるとは知らなかったのか?と結界を破って
We move to the skeleton.
The barrier user says: 'Untill I know your weakness, I'll be simply keeping you inside a barrier.'
The skeleton: '? Demon's gate? What, you didn't know that everything ages?'
With this he tears the barrier.
The barrier user turns pale and that's the end of the chapter.
I have to go, so I'm sorry it's so short.
Well well well, look at what we have here. A chapter full of fights being set up, just what I expected. And just what I was hoping wouldn't happen. The way Kubo is writing now just seems as if he wants to prolong the battles for as long as he can. This information [as well as the information for a LONG while now] didn't need 19 pages. It could have been fit on at MOST 10. I think he just wants to keep Bleach going for as long as possible.
Anyways, for the chapter. I guess I'm happy with it. Lisa charging in on Harribel without even going shikai is saying something. Hachigen is going to do some serious ass kicking, that I can't wait for. I'm surprised we didn't hear from Love, Rose, and Starrk. Oh wait, no I'm not! XD
Courtesy of
Bleach Asylum.