Title: Letters Pairing: Sungyeol/Hoya Rating: PG Summary: E-mail letters between Hoya and Sungyeol, post-disbandment. oo2. of the 100 infinite fic challenge. Word count: ~520
first I read it on my iPod, & i have no idea what you meant by reading between the lines. The after reading the comments I decided toread it again, this thime on my laptop.
I got it. HoYeol.. ;__; kinda sad that after 10 years, they still do think of each other, love each other. :(
HEHEHEHEHEHE SNEAKY SNEAKY :333333 I know someone was like trying to read it on their phone and totally confused and I was like xDDD;;; I feel mean. But sneaky. :3 and it's okay your abuse is welcome at anytime \o/
Comments 30
okay i'll stop spamming you now
it's okay, I give you permission to spam as much as you want, only because I love you like...like...I love...cheese...:3
(but sungyeol and hoya are such an awkward rare couple creys ;A;)
this is my secretly my favorite rare pairing.
i love this.
Yeah Sungyeol/Hoya is really rare maybe because they don't interact all that much :3 thanks for reading ♥
I got it. HoYeol.. ;__; kinda sad that after 10 years, they still do think of each other, love each other. :(
It's so sad how memories and hurt can still remain even as time passes ;~~~~~~; I hope I never experience something like this haha thanks for reading!
oh my god you are so sneaky and i read it once and was like "wait" so i c/ped it into my notes and tada HIDDEN TEXT.
And this still made me want to cry. Reiterates point about your craft and how i adore it.
/Cries and tackles you
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