
May 12, 2011 19:01

Magical Permissions

Larsa has magic:

White Magic

I ♙ Cure: restores a small amount of health to one person
I ♙ Blindna: cures blindness
II ♙ Poisona: cures poison
II ♙ Vox: cures silence
III ♙ Cura: restores a medium amount of health to multiple allies
III ♙ Raise: revives an ally from KO status
III ♙ Stona: reverses the effects of petrification
IV ♙ Esuna: removes negative status effects
IV ♙ Regen: restores a small portion of health over a period of time
V ♙ Cleanse: reverses the disease status effect
V ♙ Curaga: restores a large amount of health to one person
V ♙ Dispel: removes positive status effects
VIII ♙ Renew: fully restore health of all allies in range

Black Magic

I ☈ Blizzard: deals a small amount of ice damage
I ☈ Fire: deals a small amount of fire damage
I ☈ Thunder: deals a small amount of lightning damage
II ☈ Aero: deals a small amount of wind damage to multiple targets
II ☈ Aqua: deals a small amount of water damage
III ☈ Blizzara: deals a medium amount of ice damage to multiple targets
III ☈ Fira: deals a medium amount of fire damage to multiple targets
III ☈ Thundara: deals a medium amount of lightning damage to multiple targets
IV ☈ Aeroga: deals a heavy amount of wind damage to multiple targets
IV ☈ Bio: damages multiple targets; inflicts the sap status effect

Green Magic

I ☆ Blind: blinds the target, reducing their accuracy
I ☆ Protect: reduces damage from physical attacks
II ☆ Poison: poisons the target, slowly draining their health over a period of time
II ☆ Shell: reduces damage from magical attacks
III ☆ Silence: silences the target, making them unable to cast magic
III ☆ Sleep: puts the target to sleep for a period of time
IV ☆ Blindga: blinds multiple targets, reducing their accuracy
IV ☆ Silencega: silence multiple targets, making them unable to cast magic
V ☆ Bravery: increases the target's bravery and the strength of their physical attacks
V ☆ Faith: increases the target's faith and the strength of their magical attacks
VII ☆ Protectga: reduces damage from physical attacks for all allies in range
VII ☆ Shellga: reduces damage from magical attacks for all allies in range
VII ☆ Sleepga: puts multiple targets to sleep for a period of time

Time Magic

I ☍ Immobilize: immobilizes all foes in range
I ☍ Slow: slows one target's actions by 50%
II ☍ Disable: prevent all targets in range from taking action
II ☍ Reflect: reflects all magical attacks for a set period of time
III ☍ Break: slowly petrifies the target over time
III ☍ Warp: banishes a foe
IV ☍ Balance: damage formula for this is: max health - current health = damage output
IV ☍ Bleed: heavily damages one target over time; inflicts sap
V ☍ Float: floats the target
V ☍ Haste: increases one target's actions by 50%

Arcane Magic

II ☄ Confuse: causes one target to confuse friend with foe
II ☄ Gravity: reduces the health of one target by 1/4
III ☄ Decoy: causes one ally to be the target of all foes
III ☄ Drain: transfer a portion of health from one target to the caster
V ☄ Bubble: doubles health
V ☄ Death: kills the target; if human, KOs them... probably
VI ☄ Reverse: causes healing and damage to have the opposite effect
VI ☄ Vanishga: render all allies in range invisible

Poison, silence, petrification and blindness are, in Final Fantasy XII, temporary magical status ailments, so they cannot be used to cure conditions that have been physically inflicted.

Because Larsa is such a kind-hearted person, he'll be more than happy to attempt healing anyone who asks or seems to be in need of help. If you or your character would like his services, leave a comment here in this post!

IC Permissions

♔ Backtagging: Yes, of course! I love backtagging and am more than happy to continue a thread, even if it's a month or two later!

♔ Threadhopping: Sure! You don't even need to ask, just go!

♔ Fourthwalling: Go for it, as long as it follows gargleblasted's rules!

♔ Canon puncture: Mhmm! But only if it's something related to the inside of Larsa's world, not telling Larsa he's from a video game; that's a no-no....

♔ Offensive subjects (elaborate): Nope. I don't care what you talk about with Larsa and he doesn't really either. He's a pretty pleasant conversation partner.

OCC Permissions

♕ Hugging this character: Go ahead, but note he'll probably be a little awkward about it.

♕ Kissing this character: He's twelve. So unless your character is young and it's not ~adult~ in nature, please don't.

♕ Flirting with this character: I would be amused if this happened. So sure, go for it. Just don't flirt during an important conversation or Larsa will not be amused.

♕ Fighting with this character: Good luck persuading Larsa to fight. He'd sooner heal your wounds than draw his sword.

♕ Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I am a horrible person, so as long as I know what's going on and it doesn't disrupt any plans or plots, I'll probably say yes.

♕ Killing this character: As long as it goes through gargleblasted's approval process, then sure. Which means he can't die because it currently isn't accepting death approvals.

♕ Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: If you want to be killed with sincerity, be my guest.

permissions, ooc

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