Title: Flashes
Characters: suggested Jack/Sawyer
Word Count: 108
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None for the show
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em; if I did, the ending would have been better.
Beta: unbeta'd due to short length
Summary: Sawyer sees Jack when he comes out of unconsciousness, or does he?
Author’s Notes: Another one for
1_million_words. This fic is written for
thtwzjustadream as a gift for her challenge entry
NB: Can also be found
here on AO3 Sawyer blinked. Jack floated in front of his vision, worry in his eyes.
"S'all right, Doc," Sawyer said, though he got the impression the words hadn't left his throat.
Jack's concern seemed deeper when Sawyer blinked again. Sawyer was aware of darkness descending; then nothing...
When he came around he was alone. Perhaps he'd imagined Jack; a 'flash before his eyes' like Desmond had. He shut his eyes and slept.
The next time, Sawyer jolted awake. A warm hand on his bare chest calmed him. Jack's face swam into view, the certain knowledge of Sawyer's recovery showing in the relief in his expression.
Sawyer closed his eyes, smiling.
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