
Sep 12, 2022 18:06

I am here! I have icons! I said I'd make some, and now I have! It's only a minor miracle, because the last couple of months have been a bit mad, so here's hoping this means I will actually get around to updating about the madness in my next post sometime soon!

Here be three! Firstly for idabbleincrazy:

Another Spangel for the collection (that is, if Dabble has one! LOL):

Here's one for helsinkibaby, whether she wants it or not! It's the two main peeps from RDFS (Royal Doctors Flying Service):

Finally, here's one for asphaltcowgrrl, which I hope gives her a little giggle, though it's not really that funny!

And I need to link these on 1MW too, but as I need to feed pets and cook dinner, that will have to wait! ;-)

graphics: icons, graphics: general

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