The longest two weeks of my life...

Feb 16, 2009 11:59

For those of you who don't want to read about all my angst, I put it under the cut. ALSO, there may be a little TMI for you, so just skip it if you don't want to know about my women's problemz.

Anyways, as some of you know, my husband and I have been trying to have a baby. I have PCOS, which has made things a lot more difficult, because it screws your cycle up, if you get one at all. Anyways-I FINALLY got a +OPK on Saturday the 7th (the day before my birthday) which tells you that you will be ovulating within the next 24-36 hours. Well, once you get your +, you have to get to business, lol. Anyways, after that comes the dreaded two week wait to see if you have gotten pregnant. I'm currently on day 9. I don't know what to be looking for. I know a lot of women have sore breasts, but I had a breast reduction a little over four years ago, and I lost a lot of feeling, so I don't know if mine will feel as sore as someone elses might. I have been having sharp pains, but I could just be making it up in my head. As anyone who has been trying to conceive knows, you CAN give yourself symptoms.

Well, I have a Dr.s appointment today at 4:15. It would probably be too early for her to tell me anything, and I don't even know if she would give me a blood test without getting a +home pregnancy test, and if she DID, I probably wouldn't get the results till Wednesday or Thursday. SO I have been very nervous lately, because if this doesn't work, I have to go to a fertility specialist, which I do NOT have the oney for. So, if you have a little room in your prayers, can you please include my uterus? I would be eternally grateful...

I love you girls.

random, babies

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