This has been a long time coming at this point--I've decided to go officially friends only. (For the most part, anyway.)
This is my journal--a place for random observations, babbling about my hobbies, and the like. A place to spill my guts and say whatever's on my mind, without fear of judgment.
But the internet being what it is, what goes up on the internet often stays on the internet--it's not like the spoken word, which fades away with time. It's permanent. And it can be searched.
Since I'd like to have this place stay as a place where I can be completely honest, without having to worry about checking my words, I'm going friends only so I have more control over who sees this and who doesn't. Nothing personal--it's just much easier this way. I'm pretty casual with who I friend, though. As long as I know you, I'll friend you. Feel free to ask here or up at the friends only banner if you're not added and want to be.
Hm...yeah. I think that's it.