1> Instead of asking a crapload of "what's your favourite" questions, do you have a favourite? hmmm....sure. potatoes and red.
2> Cake or icecream? ice cream
3> Football? yeah! both kinds
4> What's the point of owning a bunch of 'things'? options
5> Are you a material girl? a bit. but not completely
6> And your sign is? taurus
7> Make a sentence using "strawberries": strawberries should be outlawed
8> Do you still use floppies? whats?
9> Does anyone you know not know what a floppy is? you stupid...
10> Floppy sounds kind of dirty, doesn't it? no, it doesnt. you're an amatuer, clearly
11> Aside from the fourth of July, when do you play with firecrackers? at bonfires
12> Ever chewed ABC gum? no...
13> The first movie that pops into your head: Young Adam
14> Would you rather wear glasses or contacts? neither, bastards
15> Do you often fall in-love? no. well. not in the romantic sense. but sometimes, in the non-romantic sense
16> Does it last? of course.
17> Are you proud of your sexuality? hahaha yes
18> Does it show? of course
19> Can you name one love song? Bedshapped // Keane
20> Name a cartoon you watched as a child: i dont remember
21> Is "finder's keepers, losers weapers" just? eh.
22> Have you ever worked with the mentally disabled? no
23> If not, would you want to? it takes so much, i dont think i could
24> Is abortion a touchy subject with you? not really. i feel its the woman's choice
25> Do you really believe that black and white aren't colours? no. they're colors, just like everything else
26> Are you party crazed? no. sorta.
27> Would you ever move in with someone you've never met? i dont really have a choice, do i?
28> If above question is answered with yes: Are you legally insane? um, no, but i am going to college
29> Have you ever been institutionalized? shut up, no!
30> Can acne cream be used for anything other than the treatment of acne? i dont want to know
31> Drugs are amusing or naughty? they're really not good.
32> Anxiety ridden? no
33> Stressed much? no
34> When you were in your teens (or if you are), would your parents leave you home alone if they left for a couple weeks? nah. they leave me and alexandra with nonni, which is a lot better
35> If you broke a friends vase (or other fragile item), would you attempt to glue it together or be honest and admit you broke it? i'd admit it
36> Would you ever literally kill someone? nah.
37> What one thing do you feel strongest about? stupidity. it needs to go
38> Do you use a digital camera or old film camera? both
39> Do you own over 200 CD's? no
40> Do you find yourself over obsessed with anything? no
41> Do you believe in positive and negative energy? yeah
42> Ever met a succubus? no.
43> Do you spend time taking pictures or are you the one in the pictures? i like both
44> Do you keep a paper journal? yes
45> Do you have excessive use for coloured construction paper? no.
46> Have you ever built a card mansion? no.
47> When shopping, are you in-and-out or shop-till-ya-drop? in between
48> If you're listening to music or watching tv/a movie, what word/phrase was said... now? something about the way you smiled at me just drove me wild...
49> Who said that word? Jimmy Cozier, with Alicia Keys
50> How do you feel about the zoo? i dont know
51> New Orleans and the proposed gas tax? eh?
52> Ever gotten a mosquito bite in an unsettling place? unfortunately, yes
53> If yes, where? *gives a look*
54> Do you keep food colouring in the house? yes
55> What is your learning style? i can debate stuff like nobody's business, but on tests...eh. its not a weakness, but not my strongest point
56> Do you favor a dog breed over the others? no
57> Do you look down on people from The South? no
58> What animal, do you believe, has the sharpest nails? zeus, that little bastard
59> Ever been attacked by a moth? yes. not funny
60> Does the Mothman frighten you? yes. think about how nasty that is
FIRST thing to do before going to sleep: wash my face
FIRST pet: admiral
FIRST primary school: Willard
FIRST alcoholic drink u had: oh, beer
FIRST time u entered a bar: hahahah
FIRST time u were sent to the principal for disciplinary action: 7th grade. but i didnt really do anything
FIRST record u bought: Spice Girls, Spice World
FIRST musical instrument u learned to play: piano
FIRST concert u watched: Kiss Concert, to be fair
FIRST sport you played: soccer
FIRST terrible fight: hmm. grace or patrick, probably
FIRST best friend:. Liv.
FIRST wedding u've attended: cant remember. Probably Amanda and Guy's in GA
FIRST person who greeted u on your last birthday: alexandra
FIRST collection: Oh, i dont know
FIRST time u saw a ghost: um...
FIRST roller coaster ride: 3rd grade in disney world. that was also the last one
FIRST ambition: to be a vet
FIRST job: babysitting. or, i guess, caddying at a golf club
FIRST thing u bought with your 1st salary: i dont know
FIRST thing u bought today: nothing. BROKE!
FIRST person u hated: thats mean. i cant remember
LAST concert u watched: FRANZ FERDINAND!
LAST book you bought: The New Regime (its about the French Revolution, y'all can back off)
LAST thing you bought: um, lunch yesterday
LAST tv show watched: its been a while...probably SNL this weekend, really
LAST movie you watched: Crash
LAST time u traveled out of the country: summer before last
LAST song listened: Red Light // Jonny Lang
LAST argument: Grant
LAST thought: shes LOUD (my mother)
50 Stereotypes about girls....
"X" the ones that apply to you.
[] 1. we dig axe that depends on how much...
[] 2. we're as afraid of you as you are of us
[x] 3. we try to impress you most of the time
[x] 4. we flirt alot if we like you
[x] 5. we flirt alot
[] 6. the one thing we like more than you, are shoes
[] 7. we dont understand "guy talk"
[x] 8. we LOVE hugs
[X] 9. we hate it when youre ignorant
[x] 10. were not that girly, at all
[] 11. we hate hardcore action movies
[] 12. we giggle 24/7
[] 13. we are scared of almost anything
[x] 14. we dont always like the "tall dark and handsome" guy
[x] 15. AIM is our life
[] 16. you see our myspace layout? its our 865412875th one
[x] 17. we ALWAYS think we're fat
[x] 18. our personalities change in highschool
[x!!!] 19. we have celebrity "boyfriends"
[] 20. were scared of clowns
[] 21. and were scared of the dark
[] 22. and were scared of spiders
[] 23. we HATE horror movies
[] 24. we're not sluts
[x] 25. we take things alot more serious then it seems
[x] 26. we run around our house in baggy shirts and our underwear
[x] 27. during sleep overs, we talk about the guys we'd go all the way with
[] 28. we arent athletic
[]29. we trust you more than our girl friends
[x] 30. we are conceited, we just dont like to admit it
[] 31. we cover ourselves in foundation
[x] 32. no matter how nice we are, we CAN be bitches
[x] 33. we love being scared
[x] 34. cuddling is our specialty
[x] 35. we LOVE cars
[] 36. we hate alot of people
[] 37. we cat fight
[x] 38. we scream when were mad
[x] 39. we dont squeal when we break a nail
[x] 40. we BREAK things down when were mad
[x] 41. we love to talk about our boobs
[] 42. the food in expensive resturaunts always taste better
[] 43. bubble baths sooth us
[x] 44. when we dont know what to say on the phone, we sigh
[x] 45. we are serious people...most of the time
[x] 46. our hair is part of who we are
[x] 47. we can eat a lot
[] 48. we hate cartoons
[x] 49. our cell phones are our best friend
[] 50. we love the color pink
well that was enlightening.