Glee 1.04 "Preggers"

Sep 24, 2009 00:54

Overall good episode! The weird thing about the show is that there are a lot of parts that grate on me, and then others that I LOVE. I just don't understand.

Things I loved:
+ Single Ladies. Awesomest thing to ever awesome. Kurt is so fierce, GET IT BB! ♥ I wish we knew why Brittany was dancing with them, considering she's a cheerio and I don't see why she'd hang with Kurt and Tina? Speaking of Kurt and Tina: "I'm not ready to be exclusive just yet" and Tina's aggravated look. Lovelovelove. AND ALSO THE FOOTBALL TEAM DOING IT. It was pure awesome, so much awesome I nearly combusted right there on the spot. 
+ Kurt. Oh fabulous, fabulous Kurt how I love you. He's the cutest thing to ever cute. He's still got his superiority thing going on. And also the coming out scene was pretty sweet. The whole exchange. "I'm gay." "I know. Ever since you were 3. All you wanted was a pair of sensible heels." BABY KURT, still as fabulous as he is now. 
+ TINA GETTING A SOLO!! I CHEERED WHEN WILL SAID SHE WOULD GET ONE. Girl needs the spot light, and she looked happy when she got it. And how much of a team player is was so sweet. ♥  I think that added to my rage about how selfish Rachel was being, seeing how Tina was so willing to take one for the team when Rachel obviously wasn't. =\
+ Quinn. I'm starting to love her more and more with every episode, her giggling into her pom pom was unbelievably adorable. I don't like that she's pregnant though, I hope it was a false positive or something. That is going to be such a mess.
+ Finn/Kurt was pretty abundant in this episode! I don't hardcore ship it, but Finn was so chill when he thought Kurt was asking him to the prom lmao. And also before football try outs, he seemed really fond of Kurt. It totally tugged on my heart strings. No wonder Kurt's in love with him.

Things I didn't love so much: 
+ Rachel. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. Come here, sit down honey. We need to talk. You have to understand that the Glee Club isn't all about you. Will wasn't just giving the solo to Tina to spite you. Maybe he actually thought someone else should get the god damn solo for once to work on their confidence. And listen dear, I don't know what your logic is but joining glee club is not going to get you a boy friend or make you more popular and it's not glee's fault when it doesn't happen. That's not glee's purpose of existence. So please: STFD and be a team member every once in a while.
+ It's weird but Will is starting to frustrate me. Something about him is coming off to me wrong.
+ Puck angsting about Quinn. Already kind of tired of it. Maybe it was too early but I didn't sympathize. Yeah, okay, his best friend has the girl he pines after. He plays second fiddle to Finn. SAD, SO SAD. Doesn't change that he's been a complete DOUCHE to everyone. He's been a douche to Finn his best friend, to Kurt on a regular basis, to Artie (a handicapped kid for Christ's sake), hell, even to QUINN the girl he pines after so much. I'm not riding the Puck hate train or anything, but I think it would've been better if it waited. I can't buy that I'm supposed to feel bad for someone who's a loser when he's such an immature asshole at the same time.
+ All this drama, goddamn. If I wanted to watch a soap opera I would turn on one tree hill. This show is supposed to be gleeful, this whole Finn/Quinn/Puck/Rachel/Finn love like dodecagon is not only boring it's straining. And the predictability of Glee is starting to scare me, because everyone's called what happened so far. From like a mile away.
+ Also this episode kind of turned me off from Puck/Kurt. I mean, not turn me off. It just seems like it's NEVER going to happen now. And in addition with all the drama, I think I'm going to start like groaning every time I see Puck lol. I still ship them but in the back of my mind I need to find someone new to ship Kurt with... looks like the negatives outweigh the positives, but I DID like this episode! But some parts of them make me... :(

kurt hummel is my ideal man, glee

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