The fact that they did the mash-ups on drugs is probably the most awesome thing I've seen in a while. When I watched It's my life/confessions from the preview, I was like 'WOW Finn looks bugged out, there's something really off about this' but now it makes sense haha. I think the boys would have won because I like their song better and they have Mike Chang dancing like a beast. But I loved the girls' performance, it was cute.
It's official - Puck and Kurt can stand within five feet of each other without bad-times happening! I have a feeling it's going to be a subtle progression from before into a mutual (yet silent) respect for one another, though I'm still hoping for a moment where Puck apologizes to Kurt & Artie for some conclusion. Also, I need an icon of the scene when Kurt and Puck are staring at Finn - best thing to come onto my television in a long time.
Mike Chang - the shy football player! I'm already starting to love him so much, and I don't even know why. He's a beast dancer. BUT I'm also beginning to ship Kurt/Mike, which is highly illogical I know but IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES. First of all, Mike's a football player - jock/gleek appeal? Check. According to his actor he's shy, and Kurt is obviously not shy. Cuteness of Kurt approaching Mike with his fierceness and making Mike all flustered? Check. Actual possibility of happening? Check!
Puck/Kurt/Mike is my favorite thing now. Usually I like one better than the other but I love both of them equally. RYAN MURPHY make one of them happen.
This episode was pretty Rachel/Quinn friendly! Quinn drawing pornographic drawings of Rachel on the bathroom walls? Rachel reaching out a hand to Quinn and getting her to join the glee club again? I love them. I can't wait for them to become best friends (because you know it's gonna happen). And is Quinn lucky or what? She's got a boyfriend who's a good guy and would be (I think at least) a good father, and then she has Rachel who still wants to support her, even though she tortured her and would continue doing so if their roles were reversed. Lucky lucky lucky. They are my true OT3 of this show, I ship it all ways.
And to be honest I don't really care about the whole Terri/Will/Emma/Ken stuff, I mean does anyone actually think Emma and Ken are going to stay married? Personally I feel bad for Ken, he seems like a nice guy and he really does love Emma but this is never going to work out. Terri's a bitch, so I'm not very sympathetic for her - but I am for Ken, since it's inevitable that both of them are going to get shafted when Emma/Will happens.
And it is my new resolve to start writing my journal the same way Sue does.
And Chris Colfer came out! I love him. And Yorks are the greatest candies/chocolates to ever be made. Ever.
QUINN. I love her so much, I'm seriously close to crying. I love this performance so much. Rachel, I love you. Finn I love you. QUINN. And Quinn and Kurt dancing together was seriously cute. Stop it show, why are you doing this to me.
Meanwhile No air was pretty funny lmao