Thursday, On A Train Leaving New York...

May 10, 2007 03:07

There was mooing. And straw. And more mooing. And that unmistakable smell of manure. And the loud clickety-clack of a train rumbling over tracks on a lazy late-spring day.

And, somewhere amongst that mooing, and that straw, and that clickety-clacking sound, stowed away stealthily on a lazy late-spring day, there were turtles. Turtles of the ninja variety. Turtles who were in so much trouble, indeed.


Mikey wasn't going to complain, of course, that one of his brothers had a temper and that the other had a big mouth. He wasn't even going to be the one to mention that the one with the big mouth was the reason they were currently train-hopping to Virginia.
He was, however, going to be the one to complain about the train itself.

"Dude, did we have to stow away in the cattle car?"


"No, we can sit in the passenger car. We might get some looks, but I think we can take 'em," Raph replied, folding his arms across his chest. A cow turned her head to see what the fuss was. "What're you looking at?" The cow snorted.


Donnie sighed and shook his head, turning his attention back to the train schedule he'd been reading. "It's not that long of a trip," he said. "And, like I told Splinter, we won't even have to hide what we are there. I think it'll be nice."


"And with any luck, nobody in this place you found will have a sense of smell?" Mikey was trying to be pleasant cattle-car-company, at least. Even if he was possibly the only one who found it amusing that they were leaping from a sewer into manure before making their high school debut. Even if trying meant that he had brought up this topic of amusement at least a dozen times since they had left New York. He was still trying.
That had to be worth something, right?


Donnie made a face. "We're going to the coast, Mikey. If we can't find somewhere to wash up before then, we can always go swimming - salt would be better than showing up smelling like cattle."


"Thought you said everything'd be fine?" Raphael asked, baiting Donatello.


He sighed and avoided meeting his brother's gaze. "I meant that we can wash off in the ocean. I'm sure it will be fine, Raph."


Mikey knew the look in Raphael's eyes. Mikey knew it well. Mikey kept his eyes on the floor -oh, look, hay!- and scooted backward a few feet, hoping to maybe hide behind a steer and avoid the possibility of being caught between Raph and Donnie if and when Raph started to get more cranky than he already was.


When Raph was done staring both of his brothers down, he picked at the hay and twirled it between his fingers. "Why'd Splinter have to send us down here anyways? We were fine. We don't need a school, we've done better without before."


Donnie glanced up at Raph, then quickly looked back at the schedule, his tone very diplomatic. "Maybe he thought that we could use some structure for a while."


Raph snorted. "Yeah, 'cause ninja training since we could walk doesn't count."


"Ninja training kind of isn't the same as a public education, or whatever, though. You know, like on Hollywood 90068, only real." There were possibly stars in his eyes as he sighed happily, there amongst the hay.


"Keep dreaming, Mikey. Shannen Doherty isn't gonna be there."


As Mikey pouted, Donnie shook his head. "He's right in that this will be unlike anything we've done before," he said, trying to be reasonable. "And we've always just been us four-- three, now. This place will be full of people of all kinds. It will be a learning experience."


"They'd better have pizza," Raph said, folding his arms across his chest. "And I ain't sharing a room with anybody."

(OOC: Preplayed with turtle_techie and turtle_toughguy. No interaction possible, but OOC comments are totally awesome, dudes! And props go to Donnie, who coded this post, too!)

raphael, intro, donatello

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