Title: Be Your Hero
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam and Dean (Gen)
Rating: PG
Summary: A little post-"Mystery Spot" humor and angst.
Author's Notes: Happy Birthday
kiraboshi! You wanted hurtDean with some humor, and I hope this satisfies all your birthday needs. :) Also for
supernatural100, this is "Heroes."
"Ow! Get off me, Gigantor-what're you doing?"
"I'm protecting you! That car was way too close."
"We're on the grass, behind a curb and everything, Sam. Think you might be overreacting?"
"No." Sam helps Dean up, trying to hide a pout.
"It's all right, Sammy," Dean says softly. Sam hasn't told him everything the Trickster did, but it changed him. Dean understands- his response to Sam dying pretty much trumps anything Sam's done yet.
"You okay?" Sam sounds apologetic.
"Yeah." I think you broke a rib. "Want some ice cream?"
Can't protect you much longer, but I'll try…
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