Title: Like Old Times
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam/Dean (Slash, Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary: Some things, you never outgrow.
Author's Notes: Sam/Dean and 'legroom' for
"Wait, what's this?" Dean asked. "Don't tell me they were out of Queens and doubles..."
"No," Sam said. "But the lady in the office was about to go off-shift, and I like the extra length."
"Of course you do-your giraffe legs alone take up the entire bed. But where does that leave me?"
Unable to sneak into the other bed, Sam thought. "There's plenty of room for both of us. You just have to be flexible."
"I hate being the little spoon!"
"You can be the big one."
"Oh. Really?"
Because honestly? Sam missed that too.
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