Title: Singularity
Fandom: Fringe
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Walter, Peter (Gen, Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary (S3 finale): It was the most desperate choice of all.
Author's Notes: For
writerverse, and the prompt of "It Had To Be Done."
Of all the words that could have admitted the truth of Peter's sacrifice, the hardest was Goodbye.
There was hope, Walter thought, that Peter might survive-that they all might continue forward in isolated parallels of the universes now bleeding together so freely and nearly cancelling each other out. But God, the risk: losing Peter to save both worlds was an equation any scientist could measure and an agony no father could forget.
Peter chose, instead. He was so brave, so certain.
He put humanity first. Walter would have destroyed it again in a heartbeat, just to bring Peter back.
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