Oct 04, 2008 21:50

[Recorded for Posterity||Off Main Network|Set up to ping anyone who hails a starfleet frequency.]
Captain's log; First Officer Spock reporting. Citydate 10.04.0002. Duration of stay in this dimension, 5 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes.

I believe the "curse" today is an enhanced tendency towards jealous outbursts. It is a mockery of my- I believe I am affected. Analysis pending.

Spock out.

To experience emotional freedom or to maintain control. I desire one or the other, not a fraction of both. Do they not know what it is they--

It should be another week before I begin to experience fatigue. However, I do not feel as though I should wait until then to procure residence.

It is fascinating to experience the effects of a curse, particularly one such as this. As with any emotion, however, feelings of jealousy are possible to suppress with proper meditation and concentration. Should anyone be interested in studying basic Vulcan methodologies on emotion control for the remainder of the day, I would be willing to provide literature and counseling.

[ooc: The recording can be accessed by Star Trek characters, should he leave before they show up, or be unable to respond to their intros for whatever reason! Also, strikes unhackable. :O]

"calendula" curse, !affected, !captain's log, !text, !ic

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